I LOVED this movie

My friends and I picked up this movie at blockbuster and after watching this lovely film we couldn't stop ourselves from posting our love. Thank you SCREAMING STONER MAGAZINE, for your commentary about this film which helped our choice in ruining our day.

From me...

It is by far the most creative zombie flick that I have seen. There is nothing more entertaining then watching a waste of plastic DVD that holds footage of FEEDING THE MASSES. I thought the use of plastic rifles, pistols, and digital cameras(plus the camera's high end 2D fire effect) was exceptional. I don't think my retarded brother Billy could do it any better... but then again... he doesn't exist.

From Friend 1

Wow, i never thought that student filsm would suck so much. What crappy community college stoner drop-outs came up with this unoriginal desperate attempt for media fame? The acting was so horrific that that is actually why this movie was classified as "horror". The storyline was some pathetic attempt to prove a point like "V for Vendetta" and made no sense. These stupid immature delinquints tried to usurp the fame off of a well handled zombie genre. THEY FAILED. I AM GLAD THAT MOST OF THE ACTOR'S CAREERS ENDED WITH THIS MOVIE. Every comment that boasts this movie is an obvious example of why the Hollywood horror genre is failing. These same people that could be tricked or inspired by works from Michael Moore of Morgan Spurlock or Al Gore are the reason why this ignorant plague is roaming Hollywood. This movie should have never left the shelf of the community college library. What a waste of money and time. And no complaints about the budget. There have been dirt poor budgets that actually had been CREATIVE and INVENTIVE (unlike this steaming pile of dead donkey remains) and had great success. As a connected member of the post production secluded Hollywood internal, I am deeply disgusted at this PATHETIC attempt to make a point, movie, or even a laugh... plus the girl was friggin uglier than the zombies. Christ homeless people could have been better actors. I have made better home movies with my friends. Seriously, anyone who supports this movie is proof and likely the reason why Hitler ever came to power. A note to the creators of this film if they haven't already killed themselves over the steaming bombshell, STOP! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!! YOU'RE NOT CREATIVE, YOU'RE NOT FUNNY, CLERKS MADE A BIGGER POLITICAL POINT THAN THIS MOVIE (AND WHAT DEGENERATE STONER COMPARED THIS MOVIE WITH CLERKS?!) GIVE UP AND STOP!!!!!! YOU WILL NEVER MAKE IT ANYWHERE IN HOLLYWOOD.... OR CALIFORNIA FOR THAT MATTER. NOW GO ENJOY THE REST OF YOUR LIFE HATING YOURSELF AND WORKING FOR A LIBRARY AFTER MAKING THIS DISGUSTING, PITIFUL, VILE, STEAMING (again), PATHETIC, DUMB, IGNORANT, FOOLISH, UNORIGINAL PILE OF SHAT. And for all of you that read this ill give my same regards to the actors of this movie the next time i go to starbucks.

From Friend 2

Damn that thing was ugly. By thing I mean the leading actress. She made me lose faith in humanity... and make-up.

As you can tell, we loved this movie. Five dollers well spent... however we do hope that our five dollers does go to the actor that was playing Torch. He really deserves it, after all he can't even afford shampoo.
Good night everyone
and to hell with Shock-O-Rama


I loved this movie just as much as you did, sir.

