Last scene

Why did that guy take off with the blond and leave Torch alone? Was he going to kill her, since it's his last chance to do the thing he's always wanted? Or was he so concerned about her safety that he ignored Torch and cared only for the blond?

The real trick to life is not to be in the know, but to be in the mystery. -Fred Alan Wolf


Up until Sheri rejects Roger you can tell he is smitten by her. It was odd because she seemed to be sending out signals too and then she just flat out rejects him with the "you are a nice friend" speech. The world coming to an end and then from his perspective, she being a big tease seemed to push him over the edge. So he set out to kill her by proxy via the peep show.

In the end I think if he had wanted her dead he could have either stopped shooting and let her get taken by the zombies (reenacting the peep show scenario) or shot her in the head. Instead he knocks her on the head and drives off as fast as he can. I think the question is not whether he wanted her dead. but if he took her for innocent reasons (to survive and be together) or for more perverse reasons (to rape her).


So, Torch is just screwed? Yeesh.

It's been too long since I've seen this movie.

The real trick to life is not to be in the know, but to be in the mystery. -Fred Alan Wolf


Yep, Roger reacts to her speech about this possibly being the end of mankind and to live each day like it is your last and "do that one thing that you've always wanted to do and do it NOW because this very well be your last chance." He just took it literally.

Just got finished watching the commentary and originally the "psycho peep show" was something entirely different. Roger was paying for the guy to find a zombie similar to Sheri which would have been strapped down so that Roger could have sex with it. Another writer independently came up with that idea around the same time and put it in his movie so the director changed it to what it is in the film. Going off that original concept it would seem his reasons for knocking her unconscious and leaving Torch behind are definitely intentions of the depraved variety.

That also better explains why the pimp clashes with the Berman Reclamation and Reburial crew later in the film. They want it because it is the daughter of their client and he wants it because it is the body type which his client desires to have sex with.
Because of that Torch gets screwed and left behind. He isn't too broke up about it though as he gets to capture something horrific (like the Hindenburg footage) which was his dream. Be careful what you wish for you just might get it, LOL.
