theme song

Hi all. Avid fan here. My brother and I even refer to ourselves as the "twins of destiny" as we weren't born together but feel that we should have been. This was one of our favourite shows too. Aussies as well. Anyhow, for those searching, the theme song with a clip of the opening credits can be found at and search 'twins of destiny'. It brings back so many memories! wish I could watch it all again.


The opening theme is available on YouTube in the original French, in Italian and even the English version that we Aussies saw...

The French and English versions are similar except for lyrics, but the Italian version is completely different in scenes and song melody and worth a look!

[Italian] [Updated link]


i've got the high quality version of song in french on mp3 by dorothee,

but my questions are 1: who sang the english version,it's my original viewing
2: why is the italian version so different??


I don't know about Q1.

In regard in Q2, the show was produced by TF1 (France) and ABC (Italy). I'm pretty sure that the Italian producers had the right to alter the opening - quite possibly to distinguish it from the French version and make it their own.


Actually the ABC is the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, so it was produced there rather than Italy.


ABC is also an Italian TV distributor. There's not just one ABC in the world (eg. ABC America). "Our ABC" had nothing to do with this great show, they just complained it was too violent and kept swapping timeslots.
