MovieChat Forums > Gangureivu (2004) Discussion > Why isn't this series more popular?

Why isn't this series more popular?

I get the impression this show isn't as popular as it should be. If that's true, then I don't understand why. Any thoughts on this?

Thanks in advance


needs more porn!

Daddy Horny Michael :'(


if you go to any anime forum, you'll see that most ppl say it's becuz it lacks the humor that Trigun had and it's serious tone tend to be only liked by the very few mature aduience (spelling ?)/ anime fans out there...

in short ... the kids don't like it


Well, the kids suck. Screw the 10-14 set.


I think its also cause the beginning makes it misleading making u think its like Hellsing but its deeper than that. primarily aimed at a older audience not a younger kind


From what I see most anime is alot of screaming and drawn out sequences. Gungrave has the same art style and sometimes does those things, but primarily it's about 2 best friends,and their rise and fall. Alot of anime i've seen has not been so deep. Maybe people just aren't for Gungrave.


Well I can tell you why I don't watch it. I'd really like to, but I don't have G4. I don't have much money for DVDs, and my connection is extremely slow, making it really hard to download. What this show needs is a run on Adult Swim; that would get it a lot of exposure. (Although it would be edited; I imagine you guys wouldn't really like that at all)

So those are my excuses. If I can just get my hands on it, I think I'd really like it.



its not thta popular because about half of it is just like flashbacks of what happems to him


I love this show, I personally like it more than Trigun but don't get me wrong, I love Trigun, but Gungrave is just alot more serious, while Trigun didn't get serious till the end, and yeah Gungrave is defintly not something kids would get, it deals with more serious issues, and isn't just an action anime with tons of jokes in it.


I don't know if alot of self proclaimed american anime fans are ready for a story with this kind of depth. Remember alot of people were weaned on DBZ, where your favorite characters died and returned on a regular basis, whereas this series makes you care about the characters and their realtionships as much as, if not more than, the action that is involved. So when you see a character die, you feel the loss that was meant to be convayed (sp?). There is so much focus on loyalty, and friendship, despite the fact that it features the private wars of the characters who used to be on the same side. This show just needs some exposure, because it is a great story that many people who are just getting into anime would find as a great change of pace from the action/comedy type of anime that has been given more exposure.


I can agree with you guys on the older audience note, but I'm 16 years old and I enjoyed this show thoroughly. I played both games before watching, and loved them both and then saw the anime and almost exploded.


Haha Yeah I bought first game and was like man this looks sweet back in the day. I was so mad at how horrible it was but the plot was amazing, I kept thinking man this would be a great anime, and maybe a good game if they tried again.

And they did both of those things, made an amazing complex anime, and a wonderful sequel to the game that was actually good.


It's not that popular because it wasn't made for the teenage audience that tends to appreciate nothing more than a generic story with generic characters. This isn't your love hina, naruto, or fruits basket type anime.

I don't know about anyone else here but I rather have a complex story filled with wonderful characters that only lasts 26 or so episodes compared to 100+ episodes of shallow characters with a story that leads no where (e.g inuyasha)

I really wish more stuff like this was made. I havn't enjoyed anything this much since Berserk.


If you think about it, most anime that are on DVD arent so popular here. Maybe it was extremely popular in Japan. It did spawn two video games. I heard about it being on G4 but maybe if Adult Swim would pick it up the word would spread. Think would Cowboy Bebop or Trigun be popular if it was on DVD only and not Adult Swim.

"What ain't no country I ever heard of! They speak English in What?" -Jules, Pulp Fiction




It really is unfortunate that so much of what we get here in the states is anime of such lowball quality. I mean, Naruto I saw a bit of, and it actually succeeded in taking the "Most Annoying as %*&# Kid" prize away from Pokemon... and that is SAYING something. And even though I own Gungrave, I'd rather see it on television than the crap that gets thrown at us all the time.

Almost more annoying are the shows that have intriguing premises, but seem destined to be the kind of show where the heroes are on some great quest (to save the soul of the MOTHER, for instance), but will never actually get there. After all, once they did, the show would have to be over. It's like all those Sunday morning cartoons that used to be on TV during the 80s and nineties. Craft a compelling premise, and then set about making sure that the characters never fulfill it. As long as the show is popular, they won't end it, and if it stops being popular, they won't BOTHER to end it. Serial Cartoons, Clause-22.

Interestingly, that's what the show Lost (which is, surprisingly enough, a good show) is doing. They have NO idea what the answer to the mystery is, but they've perfected how to string an audience along and keep them interested and wondering "what could it be/mean?" But they do a great job of compelling storytelling, so at least their sin is balanced.

But that's why I like these series, like Gungrave and Bebop (my fave too) that have a STORY to tell complete with a beginning, middle, and (gasp!) ending. And they KNOW the ending before they make episode 1, so that the story can be expertly crafted from the very start. I don't know anybody who watches Bebop, gets to the end, and says, "eh." Matter of fact, everyone I know (myself included) was surprised at how good it was, being so used to shows (and especially cartoons) from screwing up the ending, since it was the beginning and middle parts that they were really aiming for (while we're at it, how many movies made every year are like that? So really, we're talking stories and entertainment in general). People get into it so much because there is no good reason why more stories can't be as entertaining, deep, and satisfying (even at the end!) as a lot of these.

"...and everything under the Sun is in tune, but the Sun is Eclipsed by the Moon...." -DSotM.


I'm soooooooooooo GLAD someone else hates naruto!

Phew, finally... maybe everyone else will come to their senses.



"You're from the 60s! Peace love dope! Back, back to the 60s! No place for you in the future!"


This series' primary focus was developing full, rounded characters. The story wasn't one of constant butt-kicking but a full-fledged drama with some good action thrown in here and there.

10 to 14 year olds who are obsessed with nothing-but-action shows like DBZ aren't going to like that. Fortunately its what makes the series age so well, I think. This is a series that I could see myself going back to a few times, like a good book; a lot of more action-oriented ones are more like serial, but I won't be reading them more than once, usually.

Trigun is similar, but it is less dark and has a bit more "blowing sh** up" in it, so it appeals more to the aforementioned demographic. Both are very good series, either way.
