The Ending

When the bible is thrown as a shield,Did any of you sort of get the ''wtf'' feeling.It pretty much made me believe that god doesn't defend children who are nailed to a fence (concerning movie).What about the kid? Why didn't god save the kid but saved the woman from getting stabbed...


A bible saved me once when there were no rolling-papers.. now that's a miracle, praise the lord..!


Um... God chose the path the child would follow, knowing years later it would cause a lost sheep to save a woman and come back to the flock? The kid had no one there to untie him, or throw a bible at him to save him? They needed a convenient plot device?


That's quite a question. I'd say that it was God playing out his plan. He didn't want Justin to suffer through the pain, but it happened. It could have possibly been for his betterment but he took the road too much traveled and gave his soul to Satan and the blond guy...


Read the book. Many of the elements of the movie were changed from Peretti's original work. This is one thing I hate about Hollyweird adaptations of Christian fiction, or any fictional books for that matter...they seldom keep true to the author's story and end up screwing it up so that it doesn't look like the original.

Had I not read the book I'd have been having the same "WTF" experience you did. I blame a poor screenplay and very shallow budgetary pockets.


As someone who has no interest in reading the book, I'd like to know the reason the author gave for why Brandon was left on the cross to die.


Bible is helpful when I need kleenex


Let me give you a piece of advice: Don't trash the Bible when you are posting on a message board for a Christian movie. Unless, of course, you are looking for trouble. In that case, keep it up.

(Hamilton "Ham" Porter - "The Sandlot")


Oh, my...I had no idea I'd just finished watching a "Christian movie!" And right there on The Movie Channel, of all places!!! Imagine my surprise...

Nooooo...what I just watched was a Supernatural Movie: devils, possession, general spookiness...a bible thrown across the room in the final three minutes doesn't make this a "Christian movie."

Are some people really that desperate for bible-based entertainment that THIS movie actually qualifies??!! I'd say that doesn't bode well for Christian Movies in general...

Go in peace, my brother,


i often wondered why God would allow people to suffer in life. I realized that the suffering many people face after death is much greater.
