MovieChat Forums > Toy Story 3 (2010) Discussion > 'No she only replaced you...'

'No she only replaced you...'

Did anyone else have a problem with the way Chuckles said that to Lotso? It's brought up as a plot point again when Woody calls out Lotso for lying to Big Baby about Daisy abandoning all of them.

I get that Lotso is a jerk, but from his perspective it seemed to me that Daisy really DID replace all of them. If she could move on with Lotso, why wouldnt he assume that she would move on with the other toys? Even so, why on Earth would Chuckles just state "she only replaced you" so nonchalantly like that?

Strikes me as a bit selfish from Chuckles' perspective. Lotso is still an evil jerk, but saying that to his face didnt help any matters. That is the only thing that irked me about this movie.


I always thought he kind of said it too bluntly. Kind of like "well, who cares what she did with you? She still wants us". But in Daisy's defense I don't actually think she replaced Lotso. She fell asleep and her parents neglectfully left/forgot them at the park or wherever. I believe she was really upset that he was "missing" so her parents bought her a new one and claimed to have "found" him somewhere. I'm not so sure she actually knew that it was a different Lotso.


It could be that Lotso was the only one she felt was worth replacing. The other two were expendable.

A dope trailer is no place for a kitty.


I think Lotso was the only one the parents replaced. I'm sure by that time the other two toys probably were not even in stores anymore. Lotso looked like the newer toy so it makes sense that they would replace the newer toy and to a certain extent I think he knew that and that's why he convinced the others they were replaced too. You know the saying misery loves company? Well that was Lotso's goal. No way the other two toys could go back to Daisy if he couldn't.


Daisy had a new Lotso Bear!

She didn't have a new Big Baby doll or clown.




Uh yeah that line made no sense, if she replaced Lotso then that means she liked him as a toy so much.

This movie's message is all over the damn place.
