I have spoken

See me along with many over people are "Normals". See normals like us we don't get anything cool we don't do anything great nor do we go anywhere when we want to. I have always wanted to go to Comic Con and meet all the actors, but I can't see one day when I get older I would want to meet someone but I can't as I never went to Comic Con. Actors and famous people like Steve Jobs, and Johnny Depp are called "Awesome's" or "Greats". The Greats are people who can get anything and do anything as they have "Money". They have so much Money they can do anything they want, just like they can go to Comic Con and go on a private plane, instead we have to go one a crowded airplane with people screaming and yelling and cramped spaces.

I live in Qatar and everything is a million times expensive then real things in America I can't buy squat. Greats can buy anything they want and don't have to worry about paying rent or having to deal with personals issues.

I'm haunted by memories there everywhere, my past is haunting me I can't make them go away there horrible and I stay in my room horrified each day.

Great's can get away with anything they can go to jail and still have money, they can go see R rated movies, and drink alcohol the expensive kind I mean, and get VIP seats and sleep properly in a Airplane with beds. When we have to stay sleeping practically stood up. Greats can make things important Normal's don't get taken seriously, but I can't keep on going like this.

Write things you can't of as your normals.



Ok bye.

Solving Plot Holes 101: Learn to use your Critical Thinking skills.


Wake me up when you have something to say about Toy Story 3.
