MovieChat Forums > The Perfect Sleep (2009) Discussion > I lost interest about 15 minutes into th...

I lost interest about 15 minutes into the movie

Good grief, what a pile of crap.

After 15 minutes I lost interest, after 30 minutes I was completely disgusted with it and couldn't watch it any more.


I have to agree, the "narration" just went on way too long. By the time they actually had dialog, I had lost interest. Sadly the film never does pick up, but merely sputters along like a car running on fumes.



I looked up this flick on IMDB because I had heard about it.
When I read your post I thought what you said was a bit harsh.

Recently I happened to obtain a copy from a friend and I now see what you mean.

I have been trying to watch it for a couple of days now and finally I have given up at the 50 minute mark.

I agree it is terrible.

It's like a parody of a modern day Noir flick. But it doesn't tell a story. Just scenes, followed by other scenes that are completely separate. In each scene the dialogue (sometimes really badly acted) is dripping with tense anger & frustration, seeming like something big is about to happen - and nothing does.

The way it is acted and how the story is told does not fill me with tense anticipation as a result however.
Instead it makes me think of all the other things I could be doing right now. BOREDOM in other words.

I thought the shorts about this flick saying "don't go and see this movie" were designed to make me want to see it.
Sadly I now realise they were serious and what they said was correct.

If you haven't seen it yet - Don't Bother.


You're lucky. I actually sat through an hour before I realized my girlfriend was actually hating it more than me. I really wanted to like this movie. It just seems like something I would have written when I was 15. Pardoe reminds me of an overacting and completely unbelievable Nick Cage. Better than most B movies, but... wow... So, so cheesy...


Too bad, if you could concentrate you would recognize a thought provoking film. We are so accustomed to the fluff on the TV and theaters it's tough to have to think about it! I saw it at the LA screening and was amazed, bought the DVD to watch it again. Pardoe and Alter created an incredible noir work.



I was totally agreeing with you until you mentioned you had a cat. Lame!




Killing people is easy...if you can forget the taste of sugar.


I lost it ten mintues into the film.
Voice over over used and the chroma key backdrops killed it for me.

Noir it isn't. Just the elements but not the soul. This movie sinks.


2/10. First time I rate a movie with anything lower than 3. Maybe I'll change the rating to 3 after I recover from the eye rape that the lead actor gave me.

I hate it when people don't clearly mark their sigs. This one serves as a reminder.


Lot of harshness in here guys but all well explained.

I really enjoyed the movie and have gone to see it a few times now. Only just read the wiki on Noir to get a better understanding of it. Perfect Sleep might not be classic noir but it's better than nothing.

One of the highlights of this film is the dialogue. The writers have done an excellent job and I could almost sit there with my eyes shut enjoying the words they so beautifully crafted. I loved Sin City also but agree with the review posted on Sleep's homepage that it seemed to try too hard visually, whereas this feels to me like a more intelligent movie.

For the poster that made reference to the line about the French - I'm only in my 20s so not a seasoned movie critic nor have I had any form of education in it but I thought it was supposed to be tongue in cheek? It's one of my favourite lines.


We were about twenty minutes in when my wife turned to me and said, "This is the worst film I've ever seen." We stuck it through to the end but my pseud alarm was pinging all the way.
