Come On

I thought this movie had a very interesting concept, however the third act was terrible. I was somewhat into it until they captured Cage. And just when you think there's a redeeming quality of the movie, (flashing all the way back to the motel) they still manage to leave it unresolved.

Now I know it's "just a movie" but if we are being led to believe that everything in the third act was a vision, then why are we seeing bits in the perspective of the terrorists when he can only his that of himself or the fate of Biel's character. And just because a movie didn't show a resolution doesn't ruin it for me. The fact that they turned it into this high adrenaline action sequence followed by no resolution does. Imagine watching Die Hard with a vengeance and right before the final scene, Sam Jackson turns to Willis and says "you ready" and roll credits.

A movie like Lost in Translation doesn't need a concrete resolution, This movie did.


I agree. Not that this is a great movie to start with, but it really deteriorates at the end.

"The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation." --Henry David Thoreau


Yes, interesting concept, and that's about it. Otherwise, one of the worst movies I've seen in a while:

A) Why in the world would any FBI agent seriously think that some guy - even if he could see 2 mins into the future - would be of help to them to find a nuclear bomb?
B) Why in the world would an FBI boss agree to divert all available resources to chase down a sketchy lead when there's a loose nuke somewhere?
C) Assuming A or B were plausible, why in the world would a group of baddies feel the need to *follow* the FBI to find such people?
D) Why would the baddies feel the need to cut down a casino security guard for no real reason?
E) Why would the baddies feel the need to leave so many dead bodies laying around which obviously would attract attention?
F) If the FBI knew they were being followed by the baddies, wouldn't they put all their efforts into trying to find THOSE people?

This movie was weak, really weak. Kind of a waste of a movie.

My history forum @


Until the end of the movie I loved this movie
I felt cheated at the end of the movie
I wanted more I hope they make another
and make It way better


The worst part for me was trying to believe Nic Cage and Jessica Biel as a couple!

Tho it is dark . . . know our flag . . . is still there.


The worst part for me was trying to believe Nic Cage and Jessica Biel as a couple!

Hehe, that was pretty gross. I'm fairly certain Mike and the guys had fun with that in their Rifftrax. :P


Yep, agree with most of what you said.

The premise of the film was great, had a nice concept to it - time shifting and so on. But the plot was so flimsy. It's hard to believe that the FBI would be so hell bent on capturing this guy on the off chance that he could see where this nuke might be.

This brings me to another point - the threat of the nuke was hardly focused on at all. They didn't put enough story into the nuke and the terrorists, their motivation was unknown and there was nothing in the film to make us really care about the millions of people who would die if the nuke went off.

Aswell as thin plot devices the dialogue was also quite poor, particularly between Julian Moore's character and her colleagues/boss. The way she was driving the investigation seemed very over the top and unrealistic.

Finally the CGI was terrible considering the budget of the film. The scene where Cage's car gets smashed into by a train looked fake; the last time I saw a car get hit by a train at a level crossing it didn't break up into nice even chunks that resemble lego. The subsequent CGI sequence with the car rolling down the hill was similarly cheap.

All in all I feel this film could have been executed much better. It is similar in concept to Deja Vu, and while that is essentially a popcorn movie, Tony Scott did a far superior execution.


Yes, absolutely.

These must be the dumbest terrorists ever. While the FBI were chasing Nicolas Cage, they would have had all the time in the world to set of their nuke. Plus they would not be able to stop the bomb in 2 minutes time anyway. What idiot came up with this script? It's not even 'an interesting concept'. It is totally flawed from the start.

And it was completely unbelievable that Jessica Biel would fall for him in such a short time, after being very unapproachable in the beginning. Plus Nicolas Cage is too ugly for her.


I didn't mind the movie. There were some holes in the story and there was around 20mins in the middle where the story did not know where to go. The main problem I had was Moore. She is a very weak actor and I just could not get into her character at all. I felt like she was thinking about what she was having for dinner that night instead of becoming the character. I actually did not mind the ending as you virtually knew what was to happen anyway. They knew where the terriorists were and the timing of the detonation on the bomb. I wouldn't want to go through all of that again.


Moore was good! Her performance in that movie was excellent.

How could you think what she was having for dinner when she was busting a cap every 5 minutes? Man that chick was HARDCORE! Did you see how she jabbed the dummies' neck and shot the target in less one second? Wow...
