MovieChat Forums > The Invisible (2007) Discussion > You know why its called the Invisible?

You know why its called the Invisible?

I'm too lazy to look it up, but....
I wonder how much this move made in the box office. I remember seeing the trailer for this and thinking it looked unoriginal and uninspired and, frankly, stupid. I turned to my brother and said...

Do you know why its called The Invisible? Because no body is going to see it.

Thats how bad it looked. Was it as bad as I assumed?



The user rating is probably because every film, like every story, has a beginning, a middle, and an end. I will agree with anyone who even begins to say that the ending left a LOT to be desired, but, the rest of the film was heavily captivating.

Had I not seen the very end of the movie, as in if the DVD had been scratched and I had been forced to come up with my very own ending from the gunfight scene on, I would have painted a VERY different mental picture than we were given, but, everything up until then, and I do mean EVERYTHING, held me very captivated and interested in the two main characters.

And THAT is saying a lot, because I used to live in the supposedly-portrayed city, and I saw oh so many setting and scenery flaws that I knew right off that it was NOT filmed on location. But the story was compelling enough, all by itself, to keep me interested in the story, even though I thought the ending had gone in the wrong direction.

>**Dash the Neighbors! And, dash the expense!"


Because it rhymes with Blinvisible?


umm, so idk if that was supposed to be funny weevilynbluntep, but it wasn't.
and i've seen this movie over 30 times.
it was so good.
and even though the girl pretty much kills him they start to fall in love and it makes it even better.


I agree I don't ever hate a movie, I watch the cheesiest noname movies out there for enjoyment but this was so bad I wanted to walk out. ugh


Its called the invisible I think because...even before the kid is put into the coma its like noone wants to see him. To his mother he is just part of a the kids at school he is just that kid...He is invisible.


It may also have to do with the fact that Annie herself was a sort of invisible...and at the end he finally "saw" her. and yeah she saw him, neither of them were just those kids anymore, they had a story, a past, a new chance (in some ways).


Yeah I def agree


bullshirt. Do you seriously fall in love with a murderer or even YOUR murderer? You're a psycho.
In the swedish version no one fell in love with no one.


they didnt fall in love did you notice how there was no kiss no sexual tension.
They were not in love she just wanted to help him, because she realized the gravity of the situation she created.

We Are Taught From Experience That We Learn Nothing From Experience.


Oh my God. There are more things wrong with your post than with the entirety of the Star Wars canon. PLEASE don't have children.


Because the book that the original Swedish film that this is based on was based on is called The Invisible. I'm not sure if that's a translation of the original Swedish novel's title, though.


Den Osynlige is directly translated to The Invisible, yes.
And thats the reason.



Actually, what Goyer did was take a really good story and water it down for Disney to sell to 14-year-old girls as some sort of emo romance. The original book and Swedish film on which it's based is far more brutal and there's no cheeseball romance. It ends completely differently and does not pull punches.

The biggest mistake Goyer made was pulling in his best friend's wife ---- a TV writer --- to retool the script. It turned out worse than an unsold pilot for a craptastic series that no one would watch.
Let me tell you a little story. You're an idiot!


It's called The Invisible because that's the name of the original book. In the book Nick was hidden under leaves to make him "invisible".

Both the movies has almost nothing to do with the book by the way.



I had never even heard of it and only started watching b/c it came on after another show and I was too lazy to change the channel...

By the way, it lost money at the box office so yes, it was largely "invisible" to moviegoers...


It is probably a remake of the Swedish movie called "Den osynlige".

After readign about "The invisible" it surely seems like it, since I have seen the Swedish movie from 2002 and the description of this american movie is exactly the same.


Yes a remake and both movies are fine.

I saw the remake 1st then i looked up the original.

The ending was probably changed incase people saw the original just to add something different.

The remake seemed to have more action and the original was a bit edgier, European movie are like that it makes them more realistic, plus the original is slower paced but has less loop holes.

Unfortunately alot don't get the publicity especially if they are in a non English language. Thats probably why they remade it as they saw it was good and wanted it to reach a greater audience.

Neither movie was awesome and neither movie was awfull, as i said both were fine.

Just one annoying thing about both movies , especially the remake was how dumb the police were and how easy Annelie/Annie gets away from them.

Just one more thing to say, Jenny Ulving who plays Sussie in the original is gorgeous.
