It was all good till..

the scene where Ellis and Nightingale came to the entrance of the university, where tons of zombies chased after them before Alice Henson came with the vehicle to fetch them. Come on! So many zombies and none gets to bite any of the 2 characters? There's virtually impossible! Agree people?


Yep. At that point it looked like the zombies forgot how to be zombies. Thake a look at the first girl who tries to grab Nightingale. Her arms are all over the place. She falls off her and keeps running in the opposite direction????


I noticed this too. So many zombies and not one bite!? BullsH#!t.




looks like they hired special forces according to how big they could talk. and yelling out clear whereever they go


working on 'suspending my disbelief' i made the excuse there were too many to get a clean bite, the zombies were getting in each others way.

My problem was when they went back for the blood sample and didn't think to get, just maybe, more than one sample. Maybe this time in a non-breakable sample tube, possibly not keeping it somewhere unprotected like a pocket.


It was good till the opening credits...


Haha exactly this movie was so crap when its not even on 5 minutes and u see like 4 pairs of boobs and a bush u know its gunna be so *beep*


ah well, at least it was better than the first movie!


I for one didn't mind the fist one. It was good at what it did, but I would have liked to see more zombies that looked like they do in 2. It seems all of the "soldiers" were written as rent-a-cops. How did homegirl survive the missile attack? Let's just hope she's killed off before the third one, much like they did with Rudy, a character much more worthy of reprisal IMO.
