MovieChat Forums > House of the Dead 2 (2006) Discussion > For those of you who don't understand, r...

For those of you who don't understand, read here

1) Why was there a fat soldier?
To merely provide comic relief. He is the cowardly lion, if you will. He talks big, describing how he named his guns, but in truth is more of a coward. As for why Dalton wanted to keep him in the squad, it was merely for troop morale, to amuse his men. Granted, not a very smart move since it makes him more of a burden than anything, but I suppose it depends on the officer in command.
2) Why were the Special Forces guys so stupid?
The whole idea was to make this a kind of horror-comedy, not to do something along the lines of something like THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE. Also, the whole story was about the conflict between the AMS and Special Forces due to the obvious inexperience of the latter. They had never dealt with zombies before.
3) What is AMS?
AMS is the zombie-hunting organization in the game from which this is based on. It is not known what it stands for, although some refer to it as "Agency for Mystical Services" or (most likely) "Allied Mercenary Society".
3) Why did Professor Curien cut the girl's clothes?
As a scientist, he wanted to observe any changes to the phenotype, that is, the physical characteristics, of the subject when injected with his latest serum.
4) Why did the girl try so ridiculously hard to open the van doors?
To get the radio.
5) Why did that soldier wander off after the girl despite the knowledge of her possibly being a zombie?
He didn't know that it could be one. How was he to know that zombies cried (or mimic crying)?
6) When the hell had zombies started to smell?
They were sniffing in the film, it's just that sometimes the music prevents one from hearing them.
7) At one point, Ellis shot a zombie and had wiped the blood into his mouth. WTF?
That was an error that couldn't be corrected due to a short budget and a very busy schedule. Maybe he turns later on after the film.
8) Why wouldn't the soldiers fire their machine guns?
Some of guns were jammed during production, though it could also be due to lack of budget that prevented more in the way of gunplay.
9) Why would Ellis do something stupid as slopping guts onto his own body? Wouldn't he be infected by the blood?
He slopped zombie guts onto himself so that he would smell like the creatures themselves. As for infection, no, because it was made clear in the film that the blood has to be within the body in order to have its effect.
10) Why the hell would a horde of zombies not leave the university for 29 days?
Anyone who has been to university would know that campuses are huge, therefore there should be a sizeable food supply. However, that does not apply to all of the creatures. The film indicates that some had left the confines, such as the reanimated Curien, who attacked the French chef. The whole 29 days thing was an in-joke to the film 28 Days later.
11) Why the hell would zombies develop super-sized teeth to penetrate armor when this is the first encounter?
This was not the first encounter. Caspar had indicated through her briefing that various platoons and Recon were sent in, but had failed to make it out alive. It also depends on both how the infection was altered and how fast it mutates a host.
12) Why couldn't they take more samples?
This was left unanswered by the writer, but it's possible to assume that the pack that zombie had grabbed from Ellis contained more vials.
13) Why was Caspar there?
She's not the same one. Similar character, but different altogether. The Caspar from LOVESHACK OF THE DUD was Coast Guard, the one in this film is a Colonel from the US ARMY.
14) Why wasn't Bart infected?
It was a mosquitto bite. Since he had cut off his own hand, the bloodloss slowed or possibly stopped the infection from taking over.
15) The AMS are supposed to be an international agency yet there are only two agents. What's with that?
That is plain retarded. It's like saying that the SPECIAL FORCES in the film is all that the US ARMY consists of.
16) If they're a secret organization, why did Nightingale tell the guy at the beginning what she does for a living?
The guy lied to her, saying that he was a neurologist, when in fact he was a BLOCKBUSTER employee. In turn, she paid him back in kind. The zombie infection was being covered up, which was why Ellis explained to a girl that there was food poisoning.
17) What's with the ending, with Ellis talking to Nightingale? Are they retarded?
No, he was just raising the possibility of one of their comrades on some other mission finding the cure, or let alone the possibility that the infection could die out, despite knowing the fact that they had f3cked up their mission to retrieve the sample. It's wishful thinking.
18) How had Nightingale escaped?
The film crew wanted to have a scene revealing that the table was moveable, but again, it all came down to time and money.
19) Why couldn't they take the sample, even though it was smashed?
The whole purpose was to get a blood sample, not a DNA sample. DNA could be from anything like hair, skin, etc. In this case, they needed an uncontaminated sample from Patient Zero. Because Bart blew himself up, not only had he destroyed the vial, but the possibility of it being contaminated with his own blood is greater. They could have tried taking the broken vials, certainly, but the possibility of being cut by the glass or having it coagulate onto one's own shirt is something to consider.
20) What's with Private Rodriguez?
Originally, her character was supposed to be a male, but because an appropriate actor couldn't be found for the role, Rodriguez was changed at the last minute.
21) Are there Privates in Special Forces?
Yes, there are.
22) Why is this called House rather than School?
Well, in universities, there are grad houses. In all seriousness, though, it's based around the "House of the Dead" arcade games.
23) Why wasn't the van affected by the blast?
Not even the guys who made film knew. Even though they blasted it with some explosives, it was still sturdy.
24) Why send in only one missile? Why not a squadron of planes?
The whole mission was supposed to be top secret. A single missile could be, at a distance, mistaken for something else by any potential eye witnesses. Certain aircrafts can fire a single missile that would be enough to level whole city block. A single missile on its own is far more subtle than a dozen. How the government would try to cover this up is not known but to the writer.
25) Why couldn't those teens hear the creatures behind them?
The zombies were not making any noise.


Please don't make any more of these. You clearly are not an expert.

That was the same Casper. I don't know how she made it out alive, but she did. Thank Uwe Boll for the plot whole.

It was called House of the Dead 2 because it was a direct sequel. (think Scream, Scream 2, Scream 3, etc)

Please do more research, thank you.


I was merely trying to answer some of the questions.

I'm sorry if I didn't provide good enough explanations. Or were you looking for answers that didn't so much explain what went on in the movie as to merely provide you with answers that are your own (ie that THIS SUX, IT'S STUPID, etc). I provided answers taken directly from the writer and director commentary.

When you say that I'm clearly no expert and that I should do more research, what do you mean? In terms of military knowledge? Perhaps, but I have some friends in the Canadian Armed Forces who told me about some of this stuff. Whether they gave me bull$hit to boost themselves up more or not, I'm not sure.

It isn't the same Caspar. COAST GUARD and US ARMY are not the same. There is a difference. The main reason why she was involved was because the actress who played her is CEO OF Mindfire, the company that funded this movie.

Your flaw was the assumption that Uwe Boll was involved. For your information, he was not.

As for the title, it was only linked to the first HOTD by title, game property, Alicia and Curien, but that was all. Aside from those rather insignificant details, it's different altogether.


All things aside, this movie was a perfect 10. Emmanuelle Vaugier made this movie what it is.


The movie was pretty good. I liked it.


Just because you provide answers doesnt mean they are good or correct.


And which answers were not correct or not good enough?


Almost all. Just off the top of my head number 13. It is the same character, both are named Caspar.


Sigh, I just took the answers from the writer/director commentary. That was all.


check the imdb postings for both IS the same Casper....same actress, same character...

COAST GUARD and US ARMY aren't the same, yes...there's no explanation for the change, but who cares? both movies were pretty bad, no need to go any further


that would be a pretty crazy coincidence if it was a different character that just happened to look identical, have the same name, AND have no legs. wild.




So what about this question:

"Why was this horrible sequel even made for a horrible piece of crap movie in the first place?"


According to Altman, the first made $60 million (not sure if it included video sales).


One more thing you forgot to include. Some people have asked why is Sid Haig named Curien and where is Rudy. The answer is that Curien in this movie is the father of Rudy, but alot of people miss that when it is explained when they finally find the source of the outbreak.

And I think this is a fun movie and a lot better than the first movie. The same way the the second House of the Dead game was much better than the first.

Trust no one. And you can trust me on that!


Thank you for bringing that up.

It is a mindlessly fun movie if you're looking for entertainment. It would have been better if they had included some of the Arcana bosses or some of the creatures from the games. If you really want to see a movie of what the first House of the Dead should have been, check out Dead Alive (BrainDead) by Peter Jackson. Awesome film.


I just want to bring up the question of why don't the zombies leave the University for 29 days before the special forces team and the AMS get sent in! It was actually said in the movie that the zombies have a fragment of their previous lives remain with them of what they used to do before they were infected. Hence the nerd zombie "reading" and the librarian zombie appearing and shushing the military guys.

I only axed ya for a smoke - Jack Frost


Plus, some of the zombies did leave - the movie showed the zombified Curien wandering about.



Says the guy who doesn't bother spell-checking and is missing an apostrophe...

I believe it had been mentioned in the commentary that the weapons themselves were jammed, but it had probably been the result of budget.



Not interested in hearing about your sex life (or lack of it), junior. Move on.
