Cliché cheating wife

Another cliché movie about a cheating wife. The characters in this are very unlikeable, we have the woman, whose married to a caring and loving husband (Jeffrey), yet she fills the need to cheat on him, just so she can have closure with her first husband. She says she loves her husband, but by her action I'm not so sure. She is also a hypocrite, because she left her first husband because he cheated on her.

(A better ending to the movie) She trys to call her husband from her hotel room and he doesn't answer, she just figure its too late because of the time difference (from NY to London), so she continues her exploits with her ex-husband. Whens she and ex-husband are leaving her room so she can catch the flight home, is caught by Jeffrey and he leaves her

Far to often in the movies, when a wife cheats on her husband, she gets away with it, with little or no consequences (if she's not married to a psycho), whereas, if man gets caught cheating, he has to pay a big price for it. Example: The Brigdes of Madison vs. Fatal Attraction.


We don't know how caring or loving her husband is. All we have to go by is one brief phone message.

She seems lonely and isolated even before her ex starts talking to her. That suggests something's wrong with her marriage or her life.

Maybe her husband will leave her someday. After all, she claimed she'd tell him about the one-night stand someday. She didn't seem distraught at the thought of losing her husband, and did seem to consider her ex's proposal. The implication is that she loved her ex more than her husband.


Then why the whole song and dance routine when her husband called, I contend she like most cheating spouses, selfish and self center. If the husband didn't care about his wife, then he wouldn't have called to check on her, just like her ex-husband's girlfriend called to check-up on him. I didn't get the sense she was lonley, I got the sense she wanted her cake and eat it too.\

And another thing, why do we look for excuses, when its the woman that has the affair?




It wasn't clear to me that she was still married to Jeffrey. The more she said she'd 'think about it', the more I wondered what the status of their marriage was. Then she said in the taxi that she wasn't married, at the end. Very mysterious.
