one of the weirdest pairings?

ok i've never seen this movie but it looks good. so i dont know how the chemestry is between aaron eckharts and Helena Bonham Carters character but i just think they make a weird pairng...? but maybe thats what the movie was going for?

:-{D mustache man!


Going in, I thought it was wied.. but it worked!

Glad to see Bonham Carter getting away from Tim Burton and doing other, more sophisticated work.


Fantastic chemistry.

"Starting tonight people will die. I'm a man of my word. Hahaha!"


Agreed. Some of the best chemistry I've seen on screen between two actors in recent years.


That's what i thought before i saw the movie...
After i saw the movie though... well... i still thought... weird pairing! :)
Nice movie by the way.


i thought they were fine together. the dialogue was excellent!


They were great together, which is surprising to me since they intially looked odd together. Their chemistry was great!

Men on Fitness


They really did seem like strange casting choices. But WOW - they matched up perfectly, even down to the little middle-aged bulges from putting on some weight. And their chemistry was fantastic. I felt like I wanted to slide right in bed with Aaron Eckhardt.
When they held each other, it was as if they had always held each other. They were so physically compatible.


Like others, I think their chemistry was great!! It helps that Aaron wanted to do the movie because of Helena, which fits in pretty well with the characters. :D
