Very FUNNY lines

Does anyone else think Elisabeth Harnois was absolutely awesome during the show's finale??? I thought she was HILARIOUS. The way she delivered certain, I love her, but who would have thought she had it in her? She was so funny! her expressions were priceless...
During the dinner scene when she's telling Ben about her birth parents and she says something like dad was the devil and mom turned out to be a bitch, or the line about the booty call, or when after Jess tries killing her she goes like "I had such a crush on you", or when her " sister" says something about her being evil and she goes like "hi, standing right here"....those were my favorites...The lines weren't particularly funny but she managed to deliver them perfectly...Her character was such a lot fo fun during the finale...

And why on earth did the show got canceled? It was great, the actors were all good enough and the characters were well developed...I think it was one of the most original shows lately....
I hate that it ended so soon and that they didn't clear exactly what happened with Christina. too bad....


The ratings were pretty was in a tough timeslot and pretty much every show with dark subject matter - like the Antichrist - struggles on network TV. Ratings actually were creeping up a bit with the last couple of aired episodes but FOX yanked it anyway...oh well, I'm just glad we at least got 13 episodes on DVD.


At What time was it on???? I never watched when it was on TV cause I just recently "discovered" it so I watched it on DVD.


Thursdays at 9/ it was competing with CSI which was a much bigger ratings monster at that time and quite a few other shows that were fighting for the same audience.


'All Anti-Christ-i.' In the last episode.

"I'm trying to see things from your point of view but I can't stick my head that far up my ass."
