Do it, Daddy

Did anyone else find this line erotic when Christina said it to Ben Kramer in the episode where Judy gets into the car accident and Ben wanted to go after the guy that hit her? I know Christina was supposed to come off as more evil but it just seemed erotic to me.


Haha. As many times as I've seen this episode I never really thought of it that way.


Watch when Ben and Christina are outside. She's trying to stop him from going after the guy then suddenly she says right into his ear "Do it, daddy". Her tone, at least in my opinion, is so hot.


I'm almost afraid to know what else you find erotic It seemed evil to me.


OK, must just be me because I think she's hot. LOL


No, I agree with the OP. I thought it sounded completely inappropriate, like they cut away to a porn, and then back to the show. It was weird.

I've finally found what I need to be happy, and it's not friends, it's things.
