MovieChat Forums > Point Pleasant (2005) Discussion > Your 'This show is so awesome' moments?

Your 'This show is so awesome' moments?

I dunno if enough people come to these boards any more to make this thread worthwhile, but I was wondering if you had any moments within this show that made you just go "This show rocks" or "I cannot WAIT to see what happens next". I don't think the show was all that excellent, I mean I loved it, but it wasn't the best quality wise, but I was addicted to it, and I thought there were a ton of cool moments like mentioned. My top ones:

- The scene in Unraveling where Meg and her husband are coming back from the hospital and Meg looks in the mirror and sees the birds following the car.

- The scene where Meg hallucinates about being pulled into the grave.

- The last two minutes of "Who's Your Daddy?" when Christina confronts Boyd.

- The last scene of "Secrets and Lies" when Christina gets kicked out. I couldn't wait to see the next one.

- Almost all of "Swimming with Boyd", particularly the interrogation scenes and the last few moments.

- The teaser of "Waking the Dead" when the church goes crazy.

- The last scene of "Mother's Day" when Christina is evil-fied and comes into the Kramers house. - Discuss Supernatural, Smallville and general sci-fi stuff.


Ok, I agree, it may have not been AWESOME all the way through but it had some great moments

-Once Christina is evil-fied and comes to the Kramers house throwing Amber out, closing all the doors and windows

-After Judy is in the wreck when Christina comes up to Ben "Do it Daddy!"

-I loved most of the sexual-tension scens with Jesse and Christina I thought they had great chemistry.

-The scene where Meg "sees the crows following her"

-Very end when she says "I win" And steps around Boyd, he smiles, "Thats my girl"

-Most scenes with Boyd he was charasmatic all the way through


"Do it, Daddy"- Still think her tone and facial expression were sexy when she said it.

Christina standing outside The Kramer's after Judy says "We're the only family you had. You scare me, Christina. I'm afraid of what you might do to us if you stay."

"This is a FAMILY thing!" when Christina throws Amber out of The Kramer's.

Boyd: We won.
Christina: No, I won.

If we can't save her...we KILL the bitch!


"It's funny - when I pictured evil personified, you're more … fluffy than what leaps to mind."
