nobody posts

why does nobody post for this? veggie tales rock. we need to discuss it.





I agree with you. Veggie Tales is a fun animation that not only geears towards children, but also towards adults. Perhaps if their jokes were more adult-oriented, the series would have more adult audiences. But, I like it the way it is. I'm a proud father of two and my kids enjoy the shows as much as I do.

Great job, Big Idea!


My daughter is 15 months old and use to love Elmo but now since I discovered Veggie tales she loves it. So do I! I never really heard many bible stories as a child and this does a very good job of teaching her as well as me!


plus its hilarious im waiting for them to do a star wars spoof


That would rock!

Gingy, Jack Sparrow, George Newman, and Rocky Balboa are the best movie characters ever!
