I was wondering what happened

in the last 20 min or so? I watched all the way till then and had to eat dinner. Can someone tell me what happened?


There was a big scene with Deoxys and Rayquaza and the blocks got messed up and began to cover the city. Everything was covered and they needed time to shut it down. Professor Lund sent a message over the city's monitors telling Tory to hold his passport to the main block in the sky to temporarily keep the robots busy which would give them time to shut it down. Ash takes his passport and jumps from block to block to get to the top. He reaches the top and is hanging on. The blocks r all moving and he accidentally drops his passport. Tory then throws Ash his, which almost reaches Ash but is just a bit too high. Pikachu jumps off and uses its tail to hit the passport and send it flying towards Ash. Pikachu is caught in the blocks completely covering the ground. Ash then takes the passport and holds it up to the robot. The robot is stalled, giving them just enough time to shut them down. The blocks stop moving just in time. Meanwhile, Tory was raised into the air by the blocks, along with Plusle and Minun. The block Plusle and Minun r on falls off and Tory jumps off to grab them and the three of them fall. Deoxys then comes and saves them and the other one uses Psychic to lift Ash from the main block and they r all down on the ground. It then shows that Team Rocket r still pedalling and complaining about how hard it is.

This is my personal favorite out of all the movies.
