Worst anime fillers?

Bleach made our list of worst anime fillers:

Was there anything that was worst than the Bount saga?


https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUX6kqTUFzQaKJKBaqzuNdg Geek Talk from old Nerds!


Was there anything that was worst than the Bount saga?

Are you f_cking kidding me?

Naruto has to take the crown for the series with the worst kind of fillers that has dragged on its carcass way beyond redemption.

I mean come on, last year out of 48 episodes, only 8 were canon. Wtf is up with that sh_t? The manga ended almost 2 years ago and for some reason this sh_tty anime is still going.

I don't care if the Bleach manga is ending(?) atrociously, what they did to the Naruto anime is still the worst. Bount was only 28 episodes long. Yes, there were some pacing issues, but it's not as bad as Naruto.

Fine, fine, I'll leave! But first I'm going to bother these peanuts! Hmm? Yes? Hmm? HMM?


Pokémon has the worst fillers.

Metallica and Iron Maiden are Bronies
