season 2....

well.... honestly, i love this show. it is absolutely amazing from the story, to the music, and to the unforgettable characters. This show is soo different from all other animes, it deserves its own category.

i loved the ending... as in the last 3 or 4 episodes. it was SOO INTENSE. haha.. crazy. i really did appreciate its sense of realism.. and the was happy when the band reuinited of course.

.... but i must say.. that it felt a little incomplete. no, wait.. VERY Incomplete. i mean, i understand its last episode kinda changed the shows angle from "being famous", to just simply playing great music with the life long friends. 'the true meaning of a band'... BUT, com'on! COM'on!! it ended on a sour note! We gotta know what happens next! More on everything.. where the band goes.. how well they did(sold) in America.... what about KOYUKI AND MAHO?????.. as much as i love the show and the ending... it left me cold. ice cold.

Please make a season 2. i need it. this show changed my life!




The ending for this show was perfect! it's just cool and subtle, no big over-dramatic ending that tells you everything. It's easy to interpret that Koyuki and Maho probably ended up together. Calling the ending a sour note... absurd, totally absurd.

who ate all the crunchy cream pies?


TOO subltle for my liking!

... hey! i didnt mean i hated the ending! just meant a lot was missing!... well, most would assume that the two ended up together, but honestly after the that film festival kiss thing happen.. that was about it. no more on those two at all.

.. i just wished that more came of there success is all!! i wish there was a second season!


i agree that the show ended too suddenly. i didn't like how everything was shown at the end in a 5 minutes sequence of souvenier pictures. as for the koyuke and maho thing, yea that ended really abruptly too. but maho annoyed the hell out of me from the get go anyway. i *beep* hated her. this show doesn't need a 2nd season tho, i mean what would it be about??


idk.. life in America? fame and fortune? Koyuki as a soloist.

whatever it is.. id watch it.


It'd be quite a dull series if you ask me.

There's only one idea i think that would work, but i've used that idea for one of my short novels, and i ain't giving that away!

who ate all the crunchy cream pies?


read the manga. there's no music obviously, but it's awesome. it goes all the way to stardom



the manga goes way beyond the last episode of the series?


I finished reading the Manga last week.

The series only covered.. not even 25% of the storyline. In the manga, they go far. I recommend you read it. There's no music, which is a bummer, but the plot is great, and plus, we all love the characters, which keep the dynamics going so well.

Here's something cheesey though, last few chapters, i could actually feel the music. Not the actual notes and chords, but the energy.

Oh yeah, another advantage of the manga. More references to awesome rock-bands. My favourite band Radiohead had dozens of references ;)

Last Film Seen - The Royal Tenenbaums (8/10)
