MovieChat Forums > The Last Kiss (2006) Discussion > A very realistic, yet very depressing lo...

A very realistic, yet very depressing look at modern relationships?

I know this has been widely discussed on other posts, and I’m probably not saying anything new, but as far as I can see the others have mainly turned into an arguments about which gender is to blame. I don't wish to insult either, instead I almost feel the need to accept that these things happen, and it is a fault of human nature, not simply a single person. The grass is always greener etc. Having said this, as a young woman I felt really quite depressed watching it! I thought it was a very good take on modern relationships, refreshingly honest, and personally (though many of you are free to disagree) that the actors made realistic reactions. What I guess I'm trying to say is, does anyone else feel that what happened to the relationships in this film is essentially inevitable? I'm not saying this is the case for everybody, far from it. But the fact that Braff's character seemed very much in love with his pregnant girlfriend, yet still wasn't entirely sure he was happy and resulted in infidelity, leaves me to ponder whether any relationship is actually safe!

I’d be interested just to hear what you think, men and women! Disagree or concede - just no silly insults please!



In some ways I agree with you. Clearly every relationship in the film breaks down, and people deal with that in different ways (don't give up, turn to friends, rebel); its a good critique of how relationships aren't safe or always good for the individuals, and I think it highlights that side of love really well.

But just because all the relationships break down in the film doesn't make this an inevitable part of real life relationships. Sure, more divorces are happening than ever, but I don't buy that all relationships will break unless someone gives up (like the parents originally had done).

I think its perfectly possible for someone in Braff's position to face up to his fear and not cheat on his pregnant girlfriend.


It is a very realistic look at modern relationships. Though infidelity happens even when its not 30+ because this movie actually reflects what happened to my recent relationship, minus the pregnancy. I am 22 and my ex boyfriend 19, cheated on me then broke up with me and then proceeded to sex it up with a different girl out of sheer fact that he is "upset" with himself for cheating. And he says the same crap that he loves me and wants to be with me in the future and that we need to be broken up for that to happen. I'm not sure how having sex with another girl all the time really works in that scenario.

My point is its an all ages thing. Not just mid-life crisis. Obviously people think there is something missing or for some reason get bored. Guys have a habit of not being able to keep it in their pants. They cant be satisfied. I am not saying this is true for all men but a large percent of them think they are happy but then some floozy comes along and they do something stupid.

I have been pondering myself what relationships are actually safe but this doesn't always happen in every relationship. It makes me not want to be with another guy ever again sometimes.

Its not inevitable. It is just a possibility that I always keep in mind when dating someone, as sad as that sounds. I know that people are capable of anything so I can never fully trust someone and especially now after this happened to me. Its quite sad when you are so happy and in love and so is the other person, and they do something like this and its ruined. It feels like it was all a lie.

Though sometimes its not ruined. Sometimes you can work it out and try to salvage what is left but ultimately its never going to be how it once was. Thats the sad reality that a lot of us have a hard time accepting.

I wish that my ex who did that to me, would have came to my house and waited on my porch all night and day, starving and thirsty, through the rain and the cold just to prove that he was really truly sorry and wanted to be with me. Though that would never happen cause my ex is really not sorry and doesn't feel bad enough to prove it to me. All he says is sorry, but its just a word and its getting old. He doesn't want to be with me cause he would be if he did, so its hard to finally realize that. He's too young for love anyways.

I think some people are also in love with the idea of love and having someone to love. That they really aren't in love. They play games.

This movie actually gives me hope that guys make mistakes and actually love the girl enough to own up to them and try to fix it.

