Where Did He Poop?

All that time on the porch. Maybe he took breaks when he knew she'd be at work?


That was my first thought too haha
A lot of people don't poo everyday though and he wasn't out there for long

we can be heroes, just for one day


You can't really poop when you don't eat, but I guess he was eating after a while. My assumption was that he spent the majority of his week - till probably day 4 or 5 when she began making him sandwiches - living on pure water, getting up to drink from the hose or something which we do not see, because it's more powerful to see him dedicated to her and never leaving the porch even though he has needs that have to be met. A better question seems to be, "Why wasn't he more unkempt and malnourished-looking before she starting feeding him again?" Understandably, just like it wasn't appropriate for his character's arc to climax in death by starvation, it wasn't deemed necessary to see him take dumps.

"Oh, my God. Bear is driving! How can that be?!"


But I assume he was eating regularly until he got to the porch so he must have had at least one or two good poops in him before he would be running on empty.


Good point.

"Oh, my God. Bear is driving! How can that be?!"

