MovieChat Forums > The Last Kiss (2006) Discussion > Chris was not a true friend

Chris was not a true friend

He should have looked out for his mate. A little white lie to Jenna wouldnt have hurt her.

He should have said to Jenna that they were out together but then he had something urgent to attend and had to leave. He should have then sent him a text message telling him his woman was freaking out.

A true friend would have advised him not to do it, but on the other hand still be there for him even if he decided to go ahead and do it.
This is what a real friend would do, not choke under pressure.

Chris was a douche bag

Mr Silver, you've just bought yourself a champion - Karate's Bad Boy


Nope. A true friend would never put another friend in that position. Why should he be a liar? So that somebody else could creep around like a rat? No...

"You will get precisely the news you deserve if you accept mediocrity."
Nick Clooney


well Chris and Michael were longer friends than Jenna and Chris...
If I were in that position...well I would hvae lied to Jenna...if he did...Micheal wouldnt get back to Kim and slept with her...Because Jenna kicked him out he went to would ended on a kiss...
well should have been there for you friend...

I want someone to love me
For who I am
I want someone to need me
Is that so bad?


well chris did say he didnt want to get involved as he was gd friends with both
plus it was happening during a death/funeral perioud so i dont think he was in the mood to make some bs up. In the end he did try to help his wing man "THEIR JUST FRIENDS"


Some people are just not good liars.. he was surprised and cornered..and he also warned kid that he was a bad liar...


He's been friends with Michael but he's also friends with Jenna. And it's not a little "white lie". White lies don't hurt anyone. Cheating on your pregnant girlfriend and lying about it is not a white lie. I can see why Chris might side with Michael because he's known him longer, but Michael was also the "wrong" one in this scenario, so it's understandable that he didn't want to lie to Jenna either.

Also, he warned Michael that he wouldn't be able to lie to Jenna. I'm much the same way, especially if I'm cornered.

65 Roses = Cystic Fibrosis



I think Chris did the right thing. Chris advised Michael not to do it.. He was screaming at work, but Michael wouldn't listen. It wasn't Chris fault and he shouldn't take the blame either.


i, like everyone else who has replied, disagree with you OP. chris just didn't know how to deal, it wasn't him not being a true friend more him not being very good in a rather awkward situation

'it never occurred to me that skin could determine identity'


He was just not good at lying.

Snakes. Why'd it have to be snakes?


Chris should have simply said no, I wasn't out with him and I don't know where he is now, then left it at that. It was the truth.

It was not for Chris to interfere one way or another in this matter.

"I'm sorry, but.." is a self-contained lie.


I just saw this movie, that is a slippery slope situation. I would have told her he was coming, then snuck away and called him telling him to never ask me to do that again.
