MovieChat Forums > Dark Ride (2006) Discussion > Just saw all 3 Horrorfest movies for Fri...

Just saw all 3 Horrorfest movies for Friday.....

I'd have to say today was extremely disappointing. Reincarnation was
all over the place and certainly not on par with other Japanese horror
movies. Unrest starts out extremely strong and completely falls apart
in the 2nd half of the film. Dark Ride is just plain horrible from
beginning to end. To the point that I didn't care who lived or died.
The one twist from it you could see coming about 10 minutes into the

Not being vague on purpose just not a big fan of spoiling movies for
others. However if you do want details post something here and I'll
figure out a way to get them to you. Luckily my local theater had a
cool manager who offered to let anyone see all 3 movies if they
purchased admission to just 1. So even though I wasn't satisfied, I
can't really complain about paying $6 to see 3 movies.

I hope Saturday and Sunday's batch of movies are better or I'm really
going to wonder about the state of current independent horror films.

Sometimes I still wet the bed..... But just sometimes.


What theatre did you go to, what a deal, where the heck do you live, they are charging $9 for me.


I thought about going to see these movies, but am glad I didn't after reading all the bad reviews.

Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.


I live in Tampa and they are showing the Horrorfest in 3 theaters. The $6 one is a pretty crappy theater. Dark, dirty we've all been in them. But I somehow thought it was fitting based on the theme for this festival.

Sometimes I still wet the bed..... But just sometimes.


Reincarnation had a really slow first half, but the second half was creepy and interesting, so I enjoyed it.

Unrest had a fantastic first half, but then in the second half there were a lot of things that did not make sense. It was still decent though.

Dark Ride was good. Funny, violent, a little creepy. Somewhat slow in the middle, but still good. Bad acting though, and I did not quite understand the end.

Not bad though. I really enjoyed it. Worth my time and money, so I am good.


What was so hard to understand about the end? It seemed pretty straight-forward to me...


Dark ries attempt at a twist at the end failed! Only good scene involved a blade and a guys head. Rinne was the best movie of horrorfest day1


Agreed. The family-bond thing at the end left me scratching my head and, ultimately, walking out mostly dissapointed.


I'd say yes to that. Rinne was good. Dark ride not bad, but not amazing either.


Were you wetting your bed during the films? I mean did they make you peeeee?? lol


Reincarnation is probably unlike all of the rest of the films in Horrorfest, I thought it was great. Unrest had a cool idea but I don't think they quite took it where they could have. Dark Ride was just silly, and pretty much everything I was expecting, so I'm glad I didn't expect too much.


so far i've seen

dark ride
grave dancers
penny dreadful

i'm seeing wicked little things and the hamiltons tomarrow.

i saw day showings so the tickets were only 6.50


Damn, at least they had deals at your guys' theatres. The local nazis at Regal here had all the movies under one generic "HorrorFest" name with all the showtimes for the day, but you had to buy tix for each movie. Seems to take away from naming something "-Fest" if you have to buy tickets for each item. Either way, this was the first movie offered and it made me not even want to bother getting a ticket to any of the other movies.


I'm glad I wasn't the only one dissapointed by Horrorfest. I wouldn't say these movies were terrible, but certainly not worth the $30 I paid. After seeing them I had no desire to go to any of the movies on Saturday and Sunday. I have to give After Dark credit because there marketing department made it seem like we were about to finally see some movies that were "too shocking for theaters" when in actuality they were "not good enough to be released in theaters". If I had nothing better to do and it was gonna cost me $6 for the whole night then I would've probably enjoyed them more. Too bad I didn't know this before or else I would've spent $30 on buying the UK version of "The Descent" on DVD and watched it three times ;-).
