Dark Ride was great. Yes- it used the cliches and old-school campy-ness from the 70's and 80's horror films...and that was the POINT- to make a scary, funny, gross, and entertaining horror flick. Can anyone name me a horror movie that has come out in the past 5 years that was actually original or good (besides 28 days later of course), because every movie has been a crappy re-make, sequel to a re-make, or prequel to a re-make. So although Dark Ride borrowed the CLASSIC elements of the genre, it was a pure, classic horror film. Loved the characters, loved the dialogue, but most of all I loved the death scenes. Dark Ride was a horror movie with all the ingredients for one hell of a horror movie.


Totally agree. Saw it last night....was blown away. Reminded me of "The Funhouse", and gave me that same "desperate/headache/stressful" feeling that I usually get by the end of a REALLY good oldschool horror film!


Check out my Halloween 3 website at: www.freewebs.com/halloween3witch/
