Sorry but this was a stinker. Directed with no imagination. Editing was off - missed big moments. Lighting was very flat. I am starting to figure this Eight to Die horrorfest out. Eight films that couldn't get distributors. Like wine that couldn't get bottled. Got sold off and bottled under the KMART label. One sip and pour it down the drain.


No doubt! This was one of the worst movies I have ever sat through. One cliche after another.... completely sloppy directing and a twist that was so obvious it was a joke.


See my user comments regarding Dark Ride. All in all, while I agree that these films might not have been able to get a distributor, it is not because they were bad at all. For instance, the Japanese film, Reincarnation, was directed by someone whose films stop all Japan in it's tracks in order to see one of his movies. However, he can't get the time of day in Hollywood.


You hit the nail on the head. I don't know about the distribution aspect of it for each film, but Dark Ride (I thought) was not a theatrical type of film. The only two that I thought more deserved theatrical release were Reincarnation and Penny Dreadful, but both were marketing stupidly, I thought.


This movie was SLOW! How exactly does one direct a movie and then in editing decide to leave in minutes upon minutes of useless shots that bore you to death?! Nothing happened. And the worst part was besides the two nurses at the hospital it takes almost an hour into the film for one of those dumbass teenagers to die! That in itself is blasphemous to the horror genre! At least if your movie is about teens trapped in a scary ride. *beep* ridiculous! This movie blows.


There is 1 huge, glaring flaw in this movie I still haven't gotten over. WARNING- SPOILER!!!!! At the beginning of the film when the two girls are murdered, the kid at the ride must be 13, 14. Since that was 1989, and it is 2006, 17 years have passed. That would make that kid, uncovered as the friend at the end of the film, in his early 30's. Thanks to the brilliant subility of the script, we know the girls are 19- uncovered in the oh-so-in depth discussion on love at the start of the film. Why, I ask you, is a 19 year old, hottie, college chick going on spring break with a thirty year old from Jersey? Anyone? Please, I dare you, what is the rationale? Not only that, but it would have been so easy, and just as arbitrary, for the murder to have happened in 1996 to fit a more reasonable timeline. Yet over and over we are reminded that the murder's happened in 1989. This is annoying the hell out of me.



hahah yes this movie sucked!

i mean they had phones the whole time and couldnt even think to call 911 when they found the first dead body.

this is the worst movie i have ever seen.

bumble bee


Good point.....why not use cell phones...oh, I guess there is no signal on a major Asbury Park tourist boardwalk...I get it.
