MovieChat Forums > Dark Ride (2006) Discussion > Dark Ride was an AMAZING movie!!!!

Dark Ride was an AMAZING movie!!!!

Personally i thought Dark Ride was extremley well made, and not only was it scary it had some funny parts which got the whole theater to laugh. I thought when the cop got split in half- it looked so good! it was scary and realistic looking. When the Liz got thrown to the wall, i thought that was realistic looking as well, not many movies can make a scene like that look real, usually you could tell when its fake, but Dark Ride portrayed that part really well! I thought this movie was amazing and it shouldnt have been played for one weekend it should be put in theaters for a longer period of time. I don't know why people are hating on this movie all the other movies looked terrible, Dark Ride was the only one that looked entertaining and i was excited to see it! Jonah was scary as hell and i thought they couldt have cast him any better!!


i agree, great movie. not another *beep* japanese remake or fkin movie about a haunted kid or something. dark ride was sweeeeet. great deaths



Please stop.

Laughing so hard...can..not..type...

This was bad, and poorly made. I'll give it some credit for acting, but the writing was so bad that I have to take away points for not walking off the set. Patrick Renna was used well, but not even that well. The relationships between the characters were all cliche...and poorly pulled off. It had 2 scenes worth the film used to capture them, and then barely. One was the gas station workers dialog, and the other was the hitchhiking chick's rant in the van. Maybe 3 if you include the way they killed off the hitchhiker.

They padded this film with about 15 mins of time just watching characters breaking down and running into walls, over and over. That did nothing for any sense of horror. Either use that time to develop something, or at least add in a few more friends to the group and rack up a higher body count. On the technical side there were all kinds of shot inconsistencies, editing errors, and sound problems. Not the most important things in a horror film, but come on, at least get something right.

What's worse is that there was some potential here. Yes the whole thing is a cliche, but they might have had a good movie if they had not used the production value of community college film class project.



I agree, I thought it was a pretty darn good movie all in all. Don't know why there are so many haters out there?



I loved it as well. People can hate it all they want, but that won't stop other people from liking this movie.


I agree, one sick ass movie, highly entertaining..i think the haters just need to stop over analyzing everything...o and move outta their parents basement.


L-O-V-E-D I-T!!!

Finally, a TRUE 80's slasher. This film literally looked like it fell out of 1989, and was one of the BEST indie horror films of the last couple years. I can't wait to see this director's next film.

I'll admit there were some slow parts, and some of the conversations in the film were goofy, but name ONE 80's slasher where that DOESN'T happen. A true 80's slasher homage all the way. It was totally worth the 2 hour drive to go see it!!!


Check out my Halloween 3 website at:


A friend and I were able to catch this last night and we were both pretty impressed. For what it is, it was pretty good. Sure there were a few plot holes but the atmosphere of the carnival ride and the gore that they did have was awesome. Come on! Any movie that has part of a brain slipping out of the head is just sure genius! The mask and the killer himself was creepy! It was really a very retro horror movie and for people to analyze something like this to death is not what these movies are intended for. People really just need to enjoy it for what it is and be impressed that they did some really cool stuff! Then again this is just my humble opinion.


I see. And in what capacity did you or your friend work on the film???

"I'll have a bloody mary, and a steak sandwich, and... a steak sandwich, please." - Fletch



Exactly because this movie sucks and everyone at the theatre I was at boooood the screen and walked out, it must be a family thead.


Once again, no SPOILER alert at the top of this thread, even though we now know way too much about the film than we'd like prior to seeing it, which we won't, but just in case...
