Superb Acting

After seeing him in The Game of Their Lives, I can't wait until the Black Hole comes out to see the terrific Paul Lancia again. Just a great, great actor plying his craft with superior material. Also, his new film, 12 Hours looks like the real deal.



The first time I saw Mr. Lancia on screen, it was in a no-budget, independent tv production called Suburban Times. I remember the night when it came on TV vividly. I remember it so well because a) Paul Lancia is a face you can't forget and b) it had one of my favorite young and up-and-coming actors in it, Tyler Shaw. He played the character Spencer. In this production, he showed off his great comedic ability. It's nice to see he's making the transition from comedy to drama. In the Game of Their Lives he showed his more serious side; an all american pretty boy on the outside, with something more to him on the inside. You see him kick that soccer ball, and you just start to wonder, "What is it about him?" And you always ask, "What else can I see him in?" You just can't get enough of this guy. It's nice to see Paul doing good. Question? Will he follow in the footsteps of greats like Peter Sellers or Bill Murray? From comedy to drama to oscar nomination?

Give him a couple years ...



