MovieChat Forums > Nanny 911 (2004) Discussion > Spanking is NOT child abuse.

Spanking is NOT child abuse.

It is discipline. Burning, or BEATING children
IS child abuse.


acutally if you go far yes spanking cna be child abuse. if you use a item like a belt to hit a child.



yeah, but only if you're not angry with the child, and she/he won't listen no matter what you do you should spank him/her. But with your hand, not a belt or whatever.

~*Proud Otaku, with limits*~


parents are not intrestesed in justice, they want quiet


I agree, when I was younger I only got a spanking 1 time or maybe 2 times, but that straighten me up.


I was spanked with a hand, a belt and a shoe. It wasn't frequent and was always controlled - never in sudden fits of anger. We screwed up, we got the belt, we handed it to Mom or Dad, then got what we had coming. I didn't and don't consider it child abuse.

You're so ugly, it's a fact!


Spanking is child abuse!

You want to discipline your child do it the proper way.

People who hit(spank) their kids are nuts. Sorry but, you can hit them but they can't hit you ? Thats bad parenting right there.

just my opinion. I think there are better ways in disciplining your children than resulting in hitting (spanking)


I agree. All parents who spank their kids are bad parents. Spanking is hitting, and that's physically and psychologically hitting your kid. I mean I think those who agree with spanking did get hit as a child and agree with it since they sent through it. If a parent can't control their child without hitting, then they are horrible parents and those kids should seek shelter elsewhere.


i think if i wasnt spanked as a kid..i wouldn't even be here right now...i was the kinda kid who tried this again and again till something bad happened. i would walk out doors and not tell my parents where i was going. really that happened anytime i was mad i would try to run away even over the littlest things. spanking (this is hard to say) was right in a way but not going to far as to leave marks or anything. my parents never beat me so hard i started to welt or bleed (cause thats where child abuse would come it) im for spanking...though i still wondering weather im going to do it to my kids. cause some kids don't need spanking to tell the truth


Spaking can be child abuse yes is it NO

mel_calloway- Acutally i really think it depands on what she/he did wrong


Beliefs like that are what's wrong with this country and our youth. If we'd just toughen up and smash the brats around when they misbehave, we wouldn't be making excuses for their rotten conduct. Half the so-called ADHD kids out there wouldn't need "meds" if Mom & Dad had kicked their butts when they deserved it, instead of giving Junior more and more and more. Kids don't need pity nor do they need to be handled with "kid" gloves - they need to work, shut up, sit down and kiss the foot of every adult they encounter out of gratitude for the sheer fact of their existence. Stop treating children like mini deities and see how quickly youth culture shapes up.


easy big fella


Read "A Child Called It". THAT is the difference between spanking and child abuse.


I was spanked as a child, and I turned into one of the best people on the planet. So I guess my mother DID do it the proper way huh?

Spanking = Controlled disciple. There's a reason behind it.
Hitting = An uncontrolled parent pointlessly striking thier child, harder and/or longer than need be.

If people would see this difference and realize there is one we could lay this debate to rest.



my friends mom was like you, she was very mean and everyone hated her. kids should have respect just as much as adults should. as i grew up my friends mom got nicer and started treating me like a person. but it never changed how i felt about her. she was one of thoes children should be seen not heard, which i thought was stupid, if you ever have kids or have them now or are even around them, their going to have the worse confedence

{***~~{~***~~Haters Make The World Go Round~~***}~~***}


ITT people who have gone through terrible abuse as children to the extent where they identify with their abusive parents and justify their mistakes just so that they keep the illusion of love and avoid the ugly truth. I feel very sorry for you, but I would also never want to be friends with you. It's not your fault that you're messed up, but neither is mine.


There is nothing wrong with giving your kids a good smack from time to time. It's not abuse, it's the right thing to do sometimes.


what's ITT?


ITT = In This Thread



I don't really think spanking is child abuse, it just seems that a lot of the time (not always) it seems that the parent is spanking out of anger as opposed to trying to teach their child right from wrong.



There is no reason to hit your child, there are better methods.

get to know me //


YES. There ARE better methods. But what if your child does something that puts his/her life in danger, as well as others? Such as suddenly running out into traffic? Will a "time-out" do any good? Personally, I feel THAT calls for a swat on the butt. I'm not saying "spank your child every chance you get". I only mean when it's ABSOLUTELY NESSICARY.


You just ran out in traffic! I'm going to spank you, as if running into traffic isn't traumatic enough! I can't use my words to express my emotions so I must impulsly hit you!

get to know me //


Gee, what am I supposed to say!? "Sweetie, don't run into traffic anymore?" Sorry, but that's NOT how I'm going to do it. Yes, I WILL let my child calm down, but afterwards, they are getting a swat on the butt.



Without getting into the technical definition of child abuse, I think the point taken (and well-proven) is that spanking doesn't bring about the desired result *and* it teaches the child that physical superiority (bullying) is the way to get one's way. Notice in the various families on the shows how, when time out, loss of privileges and praising appropriate behavior are used and spanking is eliminated, the children behave better, fight less, are less resentful, and cooperate more readily. Whether or not it's child abuse, spanking simply doesn't work except to make your children afraid of you.


You can't generalize like that. All children are different, so they will react differently to whatever form of punishment you choose. There are some kids who will not listen to you when you try to talk to them, so there are times when spanking is the only effective way to get the point across.

My brother, and I, and our friends have all been spanked. We do NOT fear our parents, we've turned out just fine.




Spanking is an archaic form of punishment that does not work.

Spanking is only used by parents who do not know how to use their words; you are no worse than the children you are punishing.

What do you teach a child when you spank them? That it's alright to hit?

Spanking is a scapegoat parents use when they are too lazy to follow through with a timeout. Parenting, like marriage, is hard work that requires love and respect. You need to make sacrifices in order for it to work.

My brother and I were spanked by our parents when we were growing up. It didn't teach us anything, it only taught us to fear our parents and run fast if you get into trouble...

Parents should not be feared by their children. Parents should be respected by their children and vice-versa if they want to maintain a loving household.

Your words speak and receive far more discipline and respect than your hand.


No one that is spanked out of love and teaching as the goal will grow up thinking violence is ok. Heck Americans stopped spanking thier kids and now kids are killing each other.
