MovieChat Forums > World of Warcraft (2012) Discussion > Halo fizzled, Bioshock is treading water...

Halo fizzled, Bioshock is treading water and they think WOW is going ...

to be a successful franchise. GTFO. Halo had the most potential to transition to the big screen, as it already had the story and protagonist not to mention a major fan base. It is seemingly dead. Bioshock has maybe a better story then halo but is not quite as established but still i imagine might work as a movie. Gore has apparently dropped it, and no major announcements since.

So they think WOW a mmorpg is going to be successful. Right, first off your main problem is there is no centralized story as far as I know, so there really are no characters to pilot the movie, they can make up some but in the end it will just look like a cheap knock off of LOTR, and i cant imagine any story they come up with will be anything impressive. This is not a direct comparsion, but several animes made based on mmorpgs tanked like maple story. So you think its gonna work as a movie franchise. Lol my friend, lol. WB must of gotten hit by a confudus charm.


Maybe you should look something up before posting irrelevant information. World of Warcraft is based on the game, Warcraft produced by Blizzard. It's an RTS with a very linear storyline.


Also add to this point that Bioshock and Halo were to be funded by studios and the projects suffered with too many people dipping their fingers in the pot. Warcraft is being handled by Blizzard and the funding is coming primarily from Blizzard itself for maximum return on profit.


Yeah, the original Warcraft games had linear story lines. But they are basing the movie off of WoW...which has no linear story line. I'm with the OP on this one. There is no way they will be able to pull this one off. Unfortunately, though, if they do and it sucks balls, it will still probably gross a ridiculous amount of money, once again proving that quality rarely has anything to do with how much a movie makes.


It will be marketed based on WoW because people like the OP have no idea what Warcraft is, well some could put two and two together, but. Blizzard wouldn't put this into the hands of someone who would screw it up. They care too much about it.


They wouldnt solely call it World of Warcraft surely...

Something like "World of Warcraft Tales" or some garbage.


I don't even think they would call it something that obvious. It would be presented like: "Based off of the best selling game, World of Warcraft".


Linear storyline? I must have missed that. As I recall, every campaign had you as the "good guys" fighting your way against the "bad guys", except... you'd play pretty much every race and faction along the way, sometimes fighting corrupted members of your own race.

Tell me who the protagonists and antagonists would be? Tauren? Forsaken? Humans? Night elves? Every one of them played hero and villain across the different Warcraft games. You can't even say between Horde and Alliance which is supposed to be the good guys.

That's just the original games, getting into WoW means basically everyone is scaled to be as even as possible with no one race supposedly better than any other, and no one slated to be an obvious "game winner". While each faction fights the opposing one, everyone has the common enemy of raid bosses. Any movie that simply resurrects a boss from the game is boring, who wants to see CGI characters kill Illidan Stormrage when their guild already did it over a year ago?


If you have played the game, you would know that the entire game is based on a story that is still developing and has been developing for quite some time.

I would recommend visiting this site -

Also this is a good one that is much abridged, but very similar -

I agree with what a previous poster said, Blizzard cares too much about this to make it look stupid. Using the main story line as those sites recount would be the best way to go. And the good thing is that they wouldn't have to put it all into one movie. Start at the beginning of how the game started, or War if you'd like, and if people go and see it and like it, they can do a part 2.

