MovieChat Forums > World of Warcraft (2012) Discussion > Congrats!!! You reached level 70....

Congrats!!! You reached level 70.... what?


Go raiding, compete in endgame pvp, or create an alt.

Really there's a whole lot in the game exclusively for 70s.


OK. Do that...then what?


Stop playing. :)


If you don't know how to continue enjoying a particular game then you're playing the wrong game.

"The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything is... 42."


If you're horde, go play alliance. And vice versa. Go level toons on another server, see what RP servers are like, or PvE servers. Try out all the content.

Let slip the Determined Kitten of Doom!


now get to experience the other, what, 75% of the actual game content?

To say, then what, you're basically just saying playing games in general is completely meaningless. That's not an argument specific to WoW, it could be applied to any other game.


Youre right, but i can pause other games and not spend $15 bucks a month. I really liked the game but it just started to get out of hand. 2 1/2 hours in the sunken temple, an hour (i've heard) in certain BG's, 40 motes of something to get 4 primal something to get one point in your LW or WS. My point is i reached 68 and saw 70 around the corner and thought why bother. Its weird. I just ran outta steam i guess. I think the game makes you think you are accomplishing something when you are accomplishing nothing and taking alot out of your life to do it.


I can see that, but again that argument can be applied to other games. To me, what gives the game staying power is playing it with people you know. I've gotten to know (and play with) a handful of people in game and a couple irl.

There will be times though when I get the same feeling and I stop playing for a month or so.

I'll also say this. At seventy, getting better gear takes the place of leveling. It's just like the rest of the game (a lot of 70 exclusive content) only now you're kind of in the big leagues, and you get to customize your character more.


WoW is a social game. Raiding, pvp'ing, or running instances are opportunities to do things with others. If you don't like to do things with others, this game or any other MMORPG is not for you. Save the $15 a month, and stick with console games. You're the type that will be happier there.

"The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything is... 42."


"WoW is a social game."

Thats the funniest thing ive ever heard. There is nothing social about sitting at your computer and not really interacting with people.



Alright, compared to playing a single player game alone at home, warcraft is a social game. It's probably the most social game you can get nowadays.

The problem happens when people start using it to replace normal social interaction. And this is common enough that saying it is a "social game" becomes funny.

But as I said in an earlier post, the human element makes the game more interesting to me. If you don't let it consume your life, what you have is a game with perfect AI (although I realize it's not "artificial" at this point).


Some people will just like to criticize the game. I'll say this, I've become better friends with people I only occasionally hung out with because we played WoW together. Because of it, we do more things socially with each other.

As far a you can pause the game...well, as long as you know how much time you have, you can EASILY plan WoW around that. Only have a half hour, get on and do a battleground or something. Don't do instances if you don't have a couple hours (unless it's some of the shorter ones).


If you want more funny things to hear, you should listen to yourself. If you did, you can keep yourself amused endlessly.

"The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything is... 42."



I was looking over my old posts and I realized something.
To the orginal poster,
Have you considered just switching to a by the month payment plan? I realize in the end it's not as good of a deal, but if you find yourself losing interest for long blocks at a time, you'll probably get your money's worth that way.
You can cancel your subscription and still keep your characters. At least for a little while. My brother dropped out for a few months and came back to see everything as it was.


twinking is the way to go!...
...if you suck @ lvl70 pvp.


Well, all i can say is, if you have reached lvl 70, make another char.

Use another race, faction, do a different setup, etc. There is a million ways you can carry on in this game. Saying that when you hit 68 and ran out of steam is a cop out. You cannot complain about nothing to do at lvl 70 if you have not even got there.

It's like saying "i don't like to eat apples", when you have never tried them.

Get to 70, try the 70 content, BGs, Arenas, Instances etc and come back and say you don't like it. You will probably get a better reaction from people.

And, saying that WoW is not a social game !!...there are loads of people who you can interact with and talk to. Get in a guild, hang around a major city and you will see how social it can be. If you are the kind of person who would not speak to anyone else anyway, get your ass back on the PS3 game and be happy.


Yeah...go month by $15 no matter if you play 30 days straight or just 2 days that month. *beep* blizzard and all the *beep* who support them. you are all junkies and they are the dealers.


world of warcraft can be a social experience if you let it


Looks like someone mommy stopped their WoW suscription. :(

"The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything is... 42."


But WoW is a social game, as long as you choose to play it that way. You run in groups with other players.

Let slip the Determined Kitten of Doom!


To the OP, I saw you said ..(after someone else said do engame raiding etc..) i guess you really don't know how long that takes for most guilds, especially every endgame raid. ..that takes a long time..but if your guild gets all the way past that, get pvp gear and pvp..yu can also lvl up professions if you don't have your up all the way. And of course you can mke a twink alt(lvl 29)..legit!


Lol yeah or you do what I did reach level 70 get mounts epic flying guild hop to the best guild on the server clear Hyjal/BT with them get gear and Ebay account for money



And if you did all of that and still want something else to do...wait for the next expansion and grind your way to 80 in Northrend.

"Life is like a box of chocolates, one day you open the box and it's empty!"


Doing BG's for epics is a good choice.


I'd like to do number 18... That could prove to be QUITE amusing. lol

Maybe I'll do that later tonight after work... Hmm...


I used to play in a guild that scheduled 'gnome races' once a month where you had to role up a gnome and run from the gnome starting area to the Orgrimmar Bank Mailbox ... and get there without dying once.

Let slip the Determined Kitten of Doom!


Well now you go hit 80!!!!!! :-)

"I'm not a monster... I'm just ahead of the curve." ~ The Joker


That's what I was gonna say, hit 80 and then do Wintergrasp and Naxx ^^ Fun stuff!

Resident Evil FTW!! <3

WoW Stats
Server: Khaz Modan
Race: Draenei
Class: Hunter
Name: Maurelle
Level: 80


well if you have hit 80 and have nothing to do battlegrounds is a great place to do something. especially if you have had a bad day and want to get your frustrations out. or you can go and kill any horde who are like lvl 40 or less. cuz you know they are doing the same thing.


In my opinion, the game has two phases.

Phase 1- level your toon, learn your character, pick up some gear. Can be played casually or hardcore, solo or grouped, and you just have fun.

Phase 2- endgame content. Once you hit the max level (currently 80), there isn't much to do solo outside of battlegrounds, and even then I'd say you're better off getting a friend or two and you can run them together. At this point the game becomes entirely social, it's a requirement.

To anyone who says it isn't social, you're delusional and still caught up with the image of a scrawny anti-social kid wearing thick-glasses staring into a screen for hours at a time, alone in his room. Warcraft is a little different. I use Ventrilo to talk to my friends, and these are real life friends, not just someone I "met" in-game. We can only get on in limited timeframes due to having a family and responsibilities. We group up, run around and kill stuff, quest, and just b.s. on Vent while we play. Otherwise I wouldn't see them much.

And sometimes, just sometimes, we all nerd it out and get together at someone's house for a few hours with our laptops and play.

Going solo will only get you so far, and as you get closer to the max level, a lot of the quests require 3-5 people to participate. You might happen to find a group, but the game gets a lot more fun if you have a few friends to pal around with. If you're anti-social and this doesn't appeal to you, then either quit now, or enjoy yourself until you hit 80, because that's when you'll cancel your subscription.


smart thing and annoying thing about wow is that there allways adding new and better gear, you work ur ass off at lvl 80 gettin good gear, u get it, then new stuff comes out with a new raid, really smart, ensures alot of peeps keep payin blizz.


One question just out of curiosity. I'm about to reach lvl 80; when I do , will I be able to defeat Arthas solo or will I have to be in a group?


To my knowledge, there isn't any encounter where you have to fight Arthas. There is one instance where he fights alongside you (The Culling of Stratholme).


I can assure you there is never a situation where you fight alongside Arthas, considering he IS the LICH KING.


Culling of Stratholme.

Let slip the Determined Kitten of Doom!


I can promises you that you will never be able to solo TLK, If anything there will be a 10 – 25 - 40 man instance that u will need to do to get to him and I think even they will be almost impossible unless you have all top gear on…

Location - UK
Last Film seen : Ice Age 3



