sequal ideas

Rachet retiers from the Q-force and steps down as captin of the phonix to become Clanks body guard, because he a big actor. Some blarg, thugs-for-less, and terrnoids go to Clanks mansion in metroplis to kidnap Clank (they think Clank did all the shooting, flying, ect.). Rachet goes on a serch for him.

feel free to continue or make up your own ideas




Now for my favorite Cheech&Chong joke

"Save the whales,
Save the whales,
Save the whales,
Shoot the seals,
Shoot all the seals."


i think it would be cool if ratchet retired from being a hero and moves back to veldin, living a mechanics life until something bad happens and the whole galatic rangers are reprogrammed by an evil mastermind causing them to turn on the president and others, and ratchet needs to take back the ranger controlled Pheonix from the Rangers and fly to whatever planet the evil mastermind lives on to disable the signal making the rangers turn on the humans and ratchet fights the mastermind who turns out to be Al who thought he was playing a video game the whole time.
