Funny game

a game where you play as michael jackson, and your job is to go round and find children who are hiding? no, thats not funny in the slightest.

Jim: No, see this is a really sh*t idea. You know why? Because it's really obviously a sh*t idea.


I used to have that game for the Sega Genesis. Thought it was a real cool game for it's time. But yeah, the whole premise of the game does seem rather dubious now, in light of recent events in Mr. Jackson's life.......

"Lord Vader."
"Yes, Master."
"Riiiise..." May 19th


The game indeed foreshadow his doomed life!!!


Funny nothin'! One of the absolute all-time classics. That opening with the quarter and the jukebox was and is AWESOME.

"Not only are you wrong, you're wrong at the top of your voice."


Read my review!


Its a great game, even playing it these days its still pretty cool...Retro, but cool.


Star Wars Episode IV.V: The Holiday Special.
