Tori Wasn't half bad

It's just a stupid romantic fluff, but I was seriously surprised by Tori's acting. There were a few crappy scenes, but overall it was... ok.

More than what I was expecting from her.
Maybe she's taken acting lessons since 90210 ?


tori was great in this role. she's good at comedy-maybe some ppl thought she was bad on 90210 coz it was meant to be a drama. congrats to her i loved it.


I know this post is a little belated, but I caught this movie the other night on Free Movies on Demand. I saw Tori Spelling was in it and since I'm a fan, I figured I'd give it a shot. It turned out to be a nice movie. I thought it was sweet. I always knew she was a great actress, but I'm glad other people are starting to see it too.

R.I.P. Heath Ledger
(April 4, 1979 - January 22, 2008)


I agree. She was decent in this movie compared to others.


I recently watched this movie and I loved it! I originally thought it was gonna be just okay but it turned out to be far better than I expected. A great movie overall.
