Crypto = Jack nicholson?

Sounds just like him haha. i know it isnt him though.... I wonder if the voice actor for Crypto was meant to sound like him..

-Trent B.


I think Crypto sounds like Nicholson, too. His line, "Don't get mad, get sadistic," sounds very much like something Nicholson would say.

I love Disney!!


I think Crpto is a product of some Jack Nicholson DNA spliced with a Furon clone prototype.

Really funny considering Jack Nicholson was in theat film 'Alien attacks' as the American President.

There' some food for thought there....................


Yeah. I think it MAY be some sort of Homage to his being in "Mars Attacks!". And since Crypto does masquerade as the Mayor/President there are some similarities (Jack Nicholson was the President in Mars Attacks!).


Actually, I always though it was a reference to "Spaced Invaders".

I would like, if I may, to take you on a strange journey.


Crypto = Jack nicholson?

I cracked up the moment I read that. hehe!
But... yeah, it's possible. I think they meant Crypto to sound like Jack Nicholson. lol

The Object of My Affection
- "Head Up, Young Person..."


When i showed this game to a friend, he asked weather Jack Nicholson voiced Crypto.

"Absorb what is useful, Discard what is not, Add what is uniquely your own" Bruce Lee
