Episode 0

I heard that episode 0 was never translated, is that true?


Neither Episode 0 nor the the 30 minute movie have been translated yet. Unless you count fansubs.


Thanks, I checked out a fansub of episode 0, it was good. I haven't watched the 30 minute movie yet, though.



http://kino.ming-ling.net/anime.html i heard that it was translated.


go to youtube.com
by searching, you can find the movie "Life Goes On" and episode zero.
both are fansubbed quite nicely.


while there have been fansubs of the prologue (ep 0) ever since it's been aired in japan, it was never licensed by adv/others.

which is a real shame, it's such a nice episode, just like the rest of the series...imho it should've been licensed alltogether...


I know I'm 5 years late, but I can't find episode 0 in any way, shape or form, let alone in japanese with english subtitles, which is what I'd prefer.

Any help?

I'm a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar.
