MovieChat Forums > War of the Century Discussion > america beat the germans?

america beat the germans?

i wish more americans would see this documentary and understand that it was the soviets and not the USA that defeated nazi germany



I think what the initial commenter is pointing out is that the sheer scale of suffering and destruction inflicted on the Soviets, and their primary role in smashing the Nazi war machine all the way back to Berlin itself, needs to be acknowledged robustly and forthrightly, and not minimized, even if the Communist regime was loathsome and murderous itself. The individual Soviets bled and cried like anyone else, and they were heroes too. It still staggers me that this whole thing happened at all -- what a total utter pointless waste! Never again.


The OP has a good point but his beside manner is a disaster! I congratulate you on a good deciphering! OP ... you seem to have an axe to grind???
