Jedi recruitment

Title says all. An idea just popped into my head just now. What if in the KOTOR series (And perhaps the upcoming KOTOR 3) you could find NPCs with force-sensitivity and convince them to go to Dantooine. E.g. Chodo Habat (The leader of the Ithorians on Telos).


Hello! Anybody got anything to say about my idea?!


That sounds like a good idea.


Thank you, but I'm also curious to what other people think.


Can't you do that anyway? At least in Kotor1 there's someone who you can convince to leave the sith and join the jedi.


Yes, you can convince people to leave the sith in KOTOR 1 (The most notable being Yuthura Ban, Kel Algwinn, Dak Vesser, Mekel, Thalia May and her Sith Rebels) but only Yuthura, Kel, Thalia and the sith rebels return to the jedi (And you don't even get to see Thalia May or the Sith Rebels at the enclave anyway)

If only you could do that and recruit non-sith npcs to the jedi in KOTOR II (Though I wonder what the Masters would think).


Wait a minute, you can convince Yuthura to switch sides? Isn't Yuthura like second in command of the academy (or am I thinking of a different character?)


Yuthura Ban is second in command at the Sith Academy on Korriban and apprentice to Uthar Wynn the headmaster. If you learn about her past (Too much to explain right now) and side with her in the tomb of Naga Sadow (Where you find the Korriban Star Map) you kill Uthar and after fighting you, you can spare her and try to convince her to return to the jedi.

There. I said it.


It sounds kind of neat, but I'm kinda sick of starting the game without a light saber.
