I Need Help With An Error

Note: Do not read this if you haven't completed the game, as it may contain spoilers.

So, Colonel Tobin contacted me, and has ordered me to send a group of my party members to assualt the Sith temple on Dxun. When I choose a leader for the group, after that, it just stays still. I mean, it doesn't freeze up or anything, but it's just stuck. I've tried cleaning the disk, but that didn't fix it.


Oh jeez... This is going to be one of those headache-inducing glitches that may not be reverseable. Keep trying it and it may work. The same thing happened to me everytime I talked with Kodin on Nar Shadda. All I had to do was reload the game a couple of times. If that doesn't work, I don't know what to tell you.

What's not to love about America? We've got freedom, democracy, liberty, and
Ronald Reagan.


Does it screw up in the mandalorian base, or after you begin the mission?

I had a similar error because I didn't kill all the sith invaders in the mandalorian base. I'd go in there, get briefed, and then Kelborn or whoever would just stop talking, run outside and start fighting. That was it, no more mission. I had to go back to the beginning of Dxun and retrace my steps, making sure to kill ALL the friggin sith in the base.


These two games might be the glitchiest games I've ever had in my life. I've never experienced as much trouble with a game as I have these two.

I just replayed and beat part 1 for the first time in a long time. Now it won't even play the ending for me.
