So typically LucasArts

Whenever something becomes hugely popular, George Lucas own dark side (The independent movie maker he always dreamt of being - ref:interviews, search in google...) kicks in and takes it away from the fans.

Lets face it, he said in interviews he was tired of being Mr Star Wars, so he didn't make any SW movies for almost 20 years - saying in the beginning he was always into independent movies...I guess ANH was kind of a revolutionary independent project for him. Unfortunately for him it became popular (Commercial success and recognition = bad?), must have hurt his independent ego? So anything liked by SW fans is suddenly discontinued or changed into a form you don't recognize being the SW stuff you were a fan of.

Perhaps the MMO will be great, but I wont play it. No time for that, prefer to play games I can dive into in the random hours I have a moment off from other stuff needing attention (kids?).

Besides, don't feel like playing against 12 year old dark side wannabe masters, saying pwned your a$$ until your eyes bleed.

All in all I feel cheated by LA, in a subliminal way: They still produce stuff I'm supposed to like but...I just don't. I guess its GL way of saying "so long and thanks for all the fish (or $$$ ?) :(

I guess he, or whoever makes the decisions ( hmmm wondering), think my generation is too old for play SW games. Or perhaps he just doesn't like the fans of being fans.... sure $$$ in the pocket makes you independent, right?


paulo, you are such a child. if you aren't interested in the mmo, then why did you even bother to post? See... if I'm not interested in a game, I don't go to their forums and start bashing it, I just move on. Why? Because thats what adults do.



Well, Lucas seems to have a knack for countering what people want or expect. Note his newest SW venture 'The Clone Wars' seems to be the kiddiefied version of what the movies gave us. More so than the prequels did, anyhow.

"You tell 'em who his daddy is!" John Crichton
