Party Memebers

What Happens To Atton, Bao-dur, Disciple, Mandalor, Visas, T3, HK, Goto and Mira after u meet The Game in The Female, Verson?

What Happens To Atton, Bao-dur, Handmaiden, Mandalor,Visas, T3, HK, Goto and Mira after u meet The Game in The Male, Verson?

Do all 9 of my Party members Come with The Ebon Hawk to Pick me up and Get me out of There at the end of the game?


Meet the game??? Did you mean beat the game? I don't remember Triple H being in here.

It really depends on what you do just as much as which gender you are (with the exception of the disciple and handmaiden, obviously). There was a lot of content that was cut out, but here's how it supposedly goes down. Bao Dur programs his remote to reactivate the Mass Gravity Generator. GOTO, with the help of the HK-50 droids tries to stop you but HK-47 steps in and saves the day. If you talk to Kreia, she'll tell you what each of them is going to do, but none are really all that great from what I remember. It's not like the first game where you can kill some of your party off--having Zalibaar kill Mission was always a fun choice for me. So to finally answer your question, with the exception of GOTO and the remote, I would say that everyone survives.

Conquer through strength AND submission.


I dont know if this is true or not but i heard somewhere that a cut scene where bao dur dies was completed but no voice work was done in time so the scene got cut.
