MovieChat Forums > The Return (2006) Discussion > Once watched a 2nd time...You'll love it...

Once watched a 2nd time...You'll love it!

Hey everyone!

I understand people are very confused about this film...

I was aswell when i first saw it in the cinema, i liked it but i realised that i would need to watch it again.

Its just one of those films like The Sixth Sense where its essential to watch twice.

Once you've seen it twice, its very likely you'll grasp the storyline better and engage with the character Joanna more.

I don't get bothered about critics or other rude people on the board. If you didnt like it, what you gotta say and leave, theres no need to start arguments.

If you liked it, great, post your lovely comments.

Just keep the board pleasent please...




I agree with the OP. I know at least a dozen people on IMDB and some of my friends that have liked this movie on a rewatch.


Why would watching a bad movie twice make it good? There was nothing complicated about this film, at all. What exactly did you find hard to understand on first viewing of this film?

Only once has a film left me a little confused, that being the korean film A Tale Of Two Sisters.. which i would reccomend to anyone who thinks THIS movie is good, because A Tale Of Two Sisters is pretty much the best ghost story movie i have ever seen.


Why would watching a bad movie twice make it good? There was nothing complicated about this film, at all. What exactly did you find hard to understand on first viewing of this film?

Exactly, you could see the 'twists' coming 15 minutes before they actually came

We crash into each other, just so we can feel something.


There was No confusion here, just yawns . I really don't get the thought process of some people around here on how not liking something as trivial as a movie--this movie--that all of a sudden makes a person too stupid to follow a simple plot. It wasn't complicated, just slow.

I like Buffy but don't think I could watch it again, the first time was enough..

If it's your thing though, well, good. I don't mind... (and don't think you're stupid if you do like it, either). I just couldn't get into it.


I saw part of it at the nail place today. I was intrigued enough with the film to read about it here. I liked the tone of the film and always liked Sarah Michelle Gellar.

"Two more swords and I'll be Queen of the Monkey People." Roseanne


I'll watch good movies twice. This one? There is no way I could subject myself to a second viewing.


It was bad enough watching this ONCE, like hell I'm gonna suffer through this a second time

We crash into each other, just so we can feel something.
