Harold and Kumar

It'd be funny if this movie was just a prequel to harold and kumar go to white castle. Moving from India, Kal Penn's character tries to adapt to american culture and falls in love with white castle.


haha - this movie is NOTHING like that one, I don't remember there being any Korean people. That storyline is a disturbing thought, haha ;)


Beggers can't be choosers. Well, they can-but then they're just being a$$wholes.





If his name is Gogol.. how did it become Kumar once he was in college?

This is for Allah... and it's going way out there sucka...


I could be wrong, but I think in many, many of his films Kal Penn gets stoned.

No human being is illegal. NingĂșn ser humano es Ilegal. Only fools embrace extremism.


I was thinking that too - Kal Penn must have a contract rider where he gets stoned in every1 of his movies. I was expecting John Cho to show up in the graduation scene, and Kal to shout out 'Hey Roldie! Over here! We're smoking some really good sh!t then heading on over to White Castle!'
