The Flies

What was the reason for so many flies in Madeliene's house? Dr. Bickleigh opened that door to that room which seemed to be the source, and something was shown in the foreground, but I'm not sure what it was. Maybe I missed something.

I know the flies were crucial to the outcome, but I just don't know why so many were there!

Thanks in advance for any answers.

The cure for anything is salt water--sweat, tears, or the sea.
Isak Dinesen


The room contained meat to be cooked and served. It was improperly stored, therefore the flies. It is a very gross scene and very realistic. Flies are buzzing around the uncovered meat. The drains (sewer system) at the Hall were also bad. Dr. Bickleigh knew people could get typhoid from drinking unclean water and he was quite serious when he told Madeline to get the drains modernized.


Thank you for this explanation, taylorje!
