stupid movie

christian bale trying to sound 'cool' or something didnt seem good to me.
it was very pathetic attempt.
gangsta film for 'wannabe' .


26 years old.
6 years in the army.
Post traumatic stress disorder.
Trying to be cool for the homies so they love him.

In the beginning you see him happy with his woman. His true self.
5 mins later it's already yo mah man bitch *beep* yeah in the crib. He wants to be cool.
At the fed's : Sir, yes Sir! Absolutely different person then.

So you've got 3 different personalities. How can you maintain all of them to the same degree. Not as an actor, but as a person.

At least that's my take on it. I just know Bale wouldn't try to "sound cool".
He's above that.


christian bale trying to sound 'cool'

Sounds to me like you missed the point of his character. He is a white guy who grew up in a Chicano neighborhood. He goes off to the Army for several years and is affected by his experience there. He obviously changes his persona and his mannerisms based on his surroundings and the people he is interacting with in order to fit in. With his friends, he is one of the guys so he uses the same slang, but for his employment he acts like a "super-recruit." He is out of place in his own mind and in his life and it takes a toll on him at the end.

The things you own end up owning you.
