MovieChat Forums > Harsh Times (2006) Discussion > very good movie.. bad ending

very good movie.. bad ending

I really enjoyed this movie, entertaining as hell, great performances from everyone.. but the ending was a real letdown and left me with a bad aftertaste.. could've been a 9/10 movie but with this ending it's a 7,5 maybe..


I liked the ending. I hate endings where there are happy and unrealistic. Life is not always happy. Jim was going to die soon anyway. He was going in a downward spiral. I see he was either going to off himself or end in a shoot out with the cops over something else. He just happened to have met the drug dealers first. He was not going to make it much longer being untreated and deranged.


"I hate endings where there are happy and unrealistic."

Oh come on.. 50 % of movies nowadays have "sad" endings


And? That's nothing new! Ever hear of a "Greek Tragedy"? And that was before the time of Christ!


so what's your point ?

