MovieChat Forums > Harsh Times (2006) Discussion > 'The Tale of Two Idiots'

'The Tale of Two Idiots'

"The Tale of Two Idiots, Doing Dumb Things, Each and Every Minute, For Two Hours"

Much better title.

All the tension, was due to pure stupidity, even from the "sane" characters.

For the audience, it is simply a frustration-endurance event.


Sadly, people actually live this way. It didn't frustrate me though cause I liked the movie.


Maybe a tale of two idots...but realistic. Have you ever met a person with PTSD or even know what it is. Because if not then maybe you shouldn't judge Bale's character.

"Baby, I'm gonna sine yo pitty on the runny kine!"


They both had a myriad of psychological issues, none of which do I need to have, nor do I need to experience in someone personally, to have an opinion. If you and those around you exhibit these disorders, then good for you.


Just showing a sense of perception. That is all.

"Baby, I'm gonna sine yo pitty on the runny kine!"



What? Really? It's people like you who make this country the way it is. You don't need to have, nor do you need to experience someone in poverty or with PTSD to have an opinion about them? That's a bunch of bull! How can you judge someone unless you walked in their shoes? Your perception of right and wrong is not my perception of right and wrong and remember that's all it is... just a perception. If living in poverty and dealing with everyday struggles makes you an idiot, maybe you shouldn’t have been so lucky to have been raised with a golden spoon. I’m just assuming you were, since you’re quick to call a character an idiot for making their own decisions without understanding their situation. I’ve lived with people like the characters portrayed in this film and their lifestyles are not uncommon. I think there are gangs in 90% of the nation. These guys aren’t gang members, but they’re doing the same *beep* looking for a quick buck and making their decision based on the little resources they have. Yeah, they could have waited one week, but who wants to wait one week when they need money today? Plus, Bale’s character had already waited; he got declined for the position at the LAPD. It’s not bad to call somebody’s decision a stupid one, it’s just bad to call someone’s decisions stupid, when the critic, themselves, are ignorant.


1st of all, you are confusing an "opinion" with a "judgment". But anyway, one makes judgments, and has opinions, every minute of every day, without personal experience. You are just too foolish to realize it.

And besides, you hypocritically just made judgements and had opinions in your own reply, without any personal experience. Pretty stupid on your part.

According to you, one can't have an opinion or make a judgement on serial killing without experiencing it. Pretty dumb logic on your part.



My opinion is based on what you wrote and yes, I have met(experienced) people who share the same ideas expressed in your OP. So once again, to say my logic is dumb without knowing the situation is dumb and pretty stupid on YOUR part.


LOL. You are a true idiot.

I said this:
"you hypocritically just made judgements and had opinions IN YOUR OWN REPLY, without any personal experience. Pretty stupid on your part. "

You replied with this:
"I have met(experienced) people who share the same ideas expressed IN YOUR OP."

I can't even fathom you tying your own shoelaces.


Ha. Ha. Ha.

You're taking my comments out of context... My post is right above yours, in case you forgot, prisoner...

P.S - Your subject line "The Tale of Two Idiots" finally fits this thread. You're two idiots in one...


"How can you judge someone unless you walked in their shoes?"

"I met someone..."

According to you, "meeting someone" is "walking in their shoes". Also, according to your logic, "meeting someone" allows you to make judgements about them.

You really are the dumbest person on the internet. Not only that, but you contradicted yourself about 4 times in the same paragraph.


Okay, let me break it down for you, if life was black and white, yes you would be right, but it's not, so one doesn't need to walk in your shoes to know you're a dumb@ss. And yes if the world was shaped the way you wanted it to be then the characters in the movie would just be a bunch of dumb@sses, but it's not. So in reality, the characters are not dumb, they're just going through harsh times, hence the title.


They are dumb AND going through harsh times. It's not one or the other. And their stupidity led them there.

Anyway, nice to see you making judgements without "walking in someone's shoes".


Then agian..I see what you mean. They are a couple of idiots. I defend the movie on its classic brotherly context and realism but besides that they make very bad descions. Jim's disorders only takes affect after they make one of these descions.

"Baby, I'm gonna sine yo pitty on the runny kine!"


I can see both sides – I would agree that Post-traumatic stress definitely plays a large role in Jim’s actions – but I have to suspect he was a bit of an idiot before all of that as well – I mean, until they get closer to the end of the film, it would seem that Mike especially, doesn’t have much of a problem with what Jim is doing, and seems to almost expect Jim to do what he’s doing , as if this was fairly normal behavior for Jim pre-war. You can see a similar thing with his latino ex-girlfriend – she’s already aware that Jim is a jerk, and he’s already burned her before, and she and her sister seem to be fully aware of what he’s capable of. Back to Mike, he doesn’t even seem all that worried about what Jim’s doing (as if he’d probably do the same thing himself) until Jim really goes off the rails after a while. These two are definitely idiots, but I think that’s just an element of the story. I think it shows us more the picture of a guy who’s already messed up to begin with, but then gets sent way over the edge by his PTSD.

I think the film is kind of an interesting statement on the differences and similarities between living in a real war overseas, but then still having to wage war with the harsh realities of life in a rough part of America… Jim is kind of dealing with a lot of different wars and conflicts in this film. One being the actual war that he was in, another being the war he wages against society as he simply tries to live the only way he knows how to, and the third being the war he fights within himself – does he become the responsible father, the government employee with the shady job, or the punk-ass kid that he is during most of the film (which seems to be closest to his actual nature).


It was like a long, drawn out version of a Kenan & Kel episode. Basically, for everything to work out okay all they have to do is sit comfortably and wait out until next week. But nooooo...


Original Title: Dumb & Dumber ;)


I earned my Combat Infantry Badge in Vietnam. Believe me: there but for the Amazing Grace of God go I.


I thought I was watching a sequel to Dumb and Dumber!

Its that man again!!


Two idiots maybe but that's what was so awesome about them. They were living life to the max, albeit dangerously and living in the moment. They're idiocy and dialogue was unbelievably funny to watch. Jim and Mike were awesome characters. This film is an absolute classic. So much better than the vain, boring, technology fuelled crap that is produced nowadays.

"Yeah! Laters!"
