MovieChat Forums > Good Night, and Good Luck. (2005) Discussion > Were American Liberals Dupes of Soviet I...

Were American Liberals Dupes of Soviet Intelligence?

All of the evidence says yes. Soviet intelligence funded and led many of the most beloved liberal institutions and trained many college professors either directly or indirectly. The evidence that Soviet intelligence did NOT control American liberal thought consists entirely of eye-rolling on the part of those liberals.

Why bring this up now after Reagan destroyed the Soviet Union in the 80's? Because it appears that Putin is taking advantage of a U.S. president who, let us say to be kind, no Reagan. He seems intent on bringing back the Soviet Union in which he was the head of intelligence. Of course he will not name it the Soviet Union which will fool many liberals.

Libs, don't be fooled again!

Free Pussy Riot!


All of the evidence says yes.
And here's Bunny's evidence: ___________.

Same old


Putin is a right wing tyrant with no apparent intention of presenting himself as anything different. Nothing about his regime is appealing to a liberal mindset.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


Soviet intelligence funded and led many of the most beloved liberal institutions and trained many college professors either directly or indirectly.

"Funded"? Like, completely? Well, now, which "institutions" might those have been? Let's hear the specific allegations. And the evidence.

They "led" liberal institutions? Led them? Again, specifically, which ones? And according to whom?

The evidence that Soviet intelligence did NOT control American liberal thought consists entirely of eye-rolling on the part of those liberals.

Oh, I see. So, if the Soviets helped with some of the funding of these alleged liberal institutions (even if the institutions didn't know it) and "trained" some professors (even if the professors didn't know it), then that influence automatically gave the Soviets complete control of American liberal thought. Apparently they used their invincible powers of hypnosis on us.

You might as well have said: "We like to believe that people could not have views different from ours unless they were 'duped' by 'conspirators'... and, as far as we're concerned, our belief in that theory IS the proof of that theory. If we WANT it to be true, then our wanting MAKES it true! If we don't want to know about any evidence that contradicts our beliefs, then there CANNOT BE any such evidence. We'll just stick with our faith, and never mind about reality!"

We're rolling our eyes at you for good reason. Because whatever you've been smoking, it's probably something that was never meant to be smoked.

Referring again to that second quote of yours:


Because that notion (I couldn't accurately call it 'reasoning'!) would give you a perfect excuse for ignoring everything that 'liberals' have to say.

You're pretending that there were (are) no conditions in the U.S. and the rest of the world that could ever cause someone to form liberal beliefs on their own. Dream on.

When the Soviets issued critiques of American society-- especially the ills of "advanced" capitalism-- those critiques tended to be pretty accurate, if we looked honestly at what was going on around us. We didn't really need their input to help us see what was going wrong. We could see it for ourselves, all around us. Even a lot of Tea Party members have been realizing that it's harmful and dangerous to allow huge corporations and Wall Street buccaneers to ru(i)n the economy.

The problem was, the Soviets' proposed solution was... Soviet-style state communism. And that appealed to almost nobody in the U.S. If you want a laugh, look at the tiny number of votes garnered by whatsisname, that perennial Communist Party candidate for President during the Cold War era.

Cons, don't be conned again!


Is a liberal the same thing as a Communist? What do they believe? Please define for me what a liberal is, and give examples of some. If a saw a liberal walking down the street, would it be easy to identify him as such?
