I dissagree

I disagree on with them on the evolutionary partern of Dragons. If they existed, then I think they will have all started in the oceans, and did'nt go onto land untill after the K.T event. And even then, they were still
semi-aquatic. If you remember, in Chinese and Japanese mythology, dragons were often described as being ocean and river kings. Only in some places, including Europe, did dragons completely detach their bonds with water, and became full flight creatures. I know it sounds pretty much the same but the differences are that there were no dragons existing on land untill the age of dinosaurs. I find it hard to believe that an aquatic dragon would by chance evolve fire and flight, two features the prehistric land dragon had in the program. And in the program, they say that the Forest dragon no longer had a bond with water, where as in mythology they were still semi-aquatic. If you disagree further, then please say.
